Bastiaan Jacob Dirk Meeuse
Affiliations: | 1952-1986 | University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA |
"Bastiaan Jacob Dirk Meeuse"Bio:
(1916 - 1999)
Sign in to add mentorGerrit van Iterson | grad student | 1943 | Delft University of Technology (ID Tree) | |
(Oriënterende onderzoekingen over de vorming van rietsuiker uit zetmeel in planten bij lage temperatuur.) |
Sign in to add traineeLee McIntosh | grad student | University of Washington | |
Bruce Nephi Smith | grad student | 1964 | University of Washington |
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Skubatz H, Svee ER, Moore BS, et al. (2019) Oleic Acid and Its Positional Isomer, cis-Vaccinic Acid, in the Appendix of Sauromatum guttatum during Anthesis. Plant Physiology. 107: 1433-1438 |
Skubatz H, Meeuse BJ, Bendich AJ. (1989) Oxidation of Proline and Glutamate by Mitochondria of the Inflorescence of Voodoo Lily (Sauromatum guttatum). Plant Physiology. 91: 530-5 |
Meeuse B, Raskin I. (1988) Sexual reproduction in the arum lily family, with emphasis on thermogenicity Sexual Plant Reproduction. 1 |
Raskin I, Ehmann A, Melander WR, et al. (1987) Salicylic Acid: a natural inducer of heat production in arum lilies. Science (New York, N.Y.). 237: 1601-2 |
Smith BN, Meeuse BJ. (1966) Production of volatile amines and skatole at anthesis in some arum lily species. Plant Physiology. 41: 343-7 |
Tachibana S, Meeuse BJ. (1960) Isolation of trans-Aconitic Acid from the Moss Mnium affine. Science (New York, N.Y.). 132: 1671 |
Meeuse BJ, Campbell JM. (1959) An Inhibitor of Oxalic Acid Oxidase in Beet Extracts. Plant Physiology. 34: 583-6 |
MEEUSE BJ. (1956) Free sulfuric acid in the brown alga, Desmarestia. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 19: 372-4 |