Donald Boyd Fisher
Affiliations: | Botany | University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States | |
1999 | Botany | Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States |
plant physiologyWebsite:
"Donald Boyd Fisher" OR "Donald B Fisher"Bio:
(1935 - 2009)
Fisher, Donald Boyd, Kinetics of photosynthate translocation
(1965). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 4085.
Sign in to add mentorSamuel Aronoff | grad student | 1965 | Iowa State | |
(Kinetics of photosynthate translocation.) |
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Fisher DB, Cash-Clark CE. (2000) Gradients in water potential and turgor pressure along the translocation pathway during grain filling in normally watered and water-stressed wheat plants. Plant Physiology. 123: 139-48 |
Fisher DB, Cash-Clark CE. (2000) Sieve tube unloading and post-phloem transport of fluorescent tracers and proteins injected into sieve tubes via severed aphid stylets. Plant Physiology. 123: 125-38 |
Bourgis F, Roje S, Nuccio ML, et al. (1999) S-methylmethionine plays a major role in phloem sulfur transport and is synthesized by a novel type of methyltransferase Plant Cell. 11: 1485-1497 |
Fisher DB, Oparka KJ. (1996) Post-phloem transport: principles and problems. Journal of Experimental Botany. 47: 1141-54 |
Fisher DB, Wang N. (1995) Sucrose Concentration Gradients along the Post-Phloem Transport Pathway in the Maternal Tissues of Developing Wheat Grains. Plant Physiology. 109: 587-592 |
Wang N, Fisher DB. (1994) Monitoring Phloem Unloading and Post-Phloem Transport by Microperfusion of Attached Wheat Grains. Plant Physiology. 104: 7-16 |
Fisher DB, Wang N. (1993) A Kinetic and Microautoradiographic Analysis of [14C]Sucrose Import by Developing Wheat Grains. Plant Physiology. 101: 391-398 |
Fisher DB, Wu Y, Ku MS. (1992) Turnover of soluble proteins in the wheat sieve tube. Plant Physiology. 100: 1433-41 |
Fisher DB. (1990) Measurement of Phloem transport rates by an indicator-dilution technique. Plant Physiology. 94: 455-62 |
Fisher DB, Gifford RM. (1987) Accumulation and Conversion of Sugars by Developing Wheat Grains : VII. Effect of Changes in Sieve Tube and Endosperm Cavity Sap Concentrations on the Grain Filling Rate. Plant Physiology. 84: 341-7 |