Michael K. Udvardi
Affiliations: | Plant Biology | The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Oklahoma |
"Michael Udvardi"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorDavid Alexander Day | grad student | 1989 | ANU | |
(Membrane transport processes and regulation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation) |
Sign in to add traineeThomas Ott | grad student | Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Munich, BY, Germany | |
Catalina I. Pislariu | post-doc | Texas Women's University (Chemistry Tree) | |
Senjuti SinhaRoy | post-doc | National Institute of Plant Genome Research | |
Jeremy D. Murray | post-doc | 2005-2009 | Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology |
Sonali Roy | post-doc | 2016-2020 | The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Oklahoma |
Sign in to add collaboratorRichard A Dixon | collaborator | ||
D Janine Sherrier | collaborator |
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Roy S, Torres-Jerez I, Zhang S, et al. (2024) The peptide GOLVEN10 alters root development and noduletaxis in Medicago truncatula. The Plant Journal : For Cell and Molecular Biology |
Sreedasyam A, Plott C, Hossain MS, et al. (2023) JGI Plant Gene Atlas: an updateable transcriptome resource to improve functional gene descriptions across the plant kingdom. Nucleic Acids Research |
Huertas R, Torres-Jerez I, Curtin SJ, et al. (2023) genes have distinct roles in phosphorus homeostasis and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14: 1211107 |
Roy S, Griffiths M, Torres-Jerez I, et al. (2021) Application of Synthetic Peptide CEP1 Increases Nutrient Uptake Rates Along Plant Roots. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 793145 |
Raul B, Bhattacharjee O, Ghosh A, et al. (2021) Microscopic and transcriptomic analyses of Dalbergoid legume peanut reveal a divergent evolution leading to Nod Factor dependent epidermal crack-entry and terminal bacteroid differentiation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions : Mpmi |
Cobos-Porras L, Rubia MI, Huertas R, et al. (2021) Increased Ascorbate Biosynthesis Does Not Improve Nitrogen Fixation Nor Alleviate the Effect of Drought Stress in Nodulated Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 686075 |
Wang Y, Chai C, Khatabi B, et al. (2021) An Efficient -Based Gene Silencing Protocol for Hexaploid Wheat ( L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 685187 |
Roy S, Breakspear A, Cousins D, et al. (2021) Three common symbiotic ABC-B transporters in Medicago truncatula are regulated by a NIN-independent branch of the symbiosis signalling pathway. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions : Mpmi |
Nguyen NNT, Clua J, Vetal PV, et al. (2021) PHO1 family members transport phosphate from infected nodule cells to bacteroids in Medicago truncatula. Plant Physiology. 185: 196-209 |
Villar I, Larrainzar E, Milazzo L, et al. (2020) Corrigendum: A Plant Gene Encoding One-Heme and Two-Heme Hemoglobins With Extreme Reactivities Toward Diatomic Gases and Nitrite. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 637797 |