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Hans Mohr grad student 1966 Universität Freiburg
 (Untersuchungen zur phytochrominduzierten Photomorphogenese des Senfkeimlings Sinapis alba L.)
Harold William Siegelman post-doc 1968 Brookhaven National Lab


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Ulrich Kutschera grad student 1985 Universität Freiburg
Sixue Chen post-doc 1997-1998 Universität Freiburg (Chemistry Tree)
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Kircher S, Schopfer P. (2018) The plant hormone auxin beats the time for oscillating light-regulated lateral root induction. Development (Cambridge, England). 145
Kircher S, Schopfer P. (2016) Priming and positioning of lateral roots in Arabidopsis. An approach for an integrating concept. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67: 1411-20
Schopfer P, Palme K. (2016) Inhibition of Cell Expansion by Rapid ABP1-Mediated Auxin Effect on Microtubules? A Critical Comment. Plant Physiology. 170: 23-5
Schopfer P, Bajracharya D, Bergfeld R, et al. (2014) Phytochrome-mediated transformation of glyoxysomes into peroxisomes in the cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings. Planta. 133: 73-80
Bajracharya D, Falk H, Schopfer P. (2014) Phytochrome-mediated development of mitochondria in the cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings. Planta. 131: 253-61
Liptay A, Schopfer P. (2010) Effect of Water Stress, Seed Coat Restraint, and Abscisic Acid upon Different Germination Capabilities of Two Tomato Lines at Low Temperature. Plant Physiology. 73: 935-8
Schopfer P. (2008) Is the loss of stability theory a realistic concept for stress relaxation-mediated cell wall expansion during plant growth? Plant Physiology. 147: 935-6; author reply
Schopfer P, Heyno E, Drepper F, et al. (2008) Naphthoquinone-dependent generation of superoxide radicals by quinone reductase isolated from the plasma membrane of soybean. Plant Physiology. 147: 864-78
Liszkay A, van der Zalm E, Schopfer P. (2004) Production of reactive oxygen intermediates (O(2)(.-), H(2)O(2), and (.)OH) by maize roots and their role in wall loosening and elongation growth. Plant Physiology. 136: 3114-23; discussion
Liszkay A, Kenk B, Schopfer P. (2003) Evidence for the involvement of cell wall peroxidase in the generation of hydroxyl radicals mediating extension growth. Planta. 217: 658-67
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