Lim Chee Liew, Ph.D

La Trobe University, Flora Hill, Victoria, Australia
School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment
Single-cell RNA-seq; seed germination; seed dormancy
"Lim Chee Liew"
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Peirats-Llobet M, Yi C, Liew LC, et al. (2023) Spatially resolved transcriptomic analysis of the germinating barley grain. Nucleic Acids Research
Zhu Y, Narsai R, He C, et al. (2022) Coordinated regulation of the mitochondrial retrograde response by circadian clock regulators and ANAC017. Plant Communications. 4: 100501
He C, Liew LC, Yin L, et al. (2022) The retrograde signalling regulator ANAC017 recruits the MKK9-MPK3/6, ethylene, and auxin signalling pathways to balance mitochondrial dysfunction with growth. The Plant Cell
Liew LC, Wang Y, Peirats-Llobet M, et al. (2020) Laser-Capture Microdissection RNA-Sequencing for Spatial and Temporal Tissue-Specific Gene Expression Analysis in Plants. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Liew LC, Narsai R, Wang Y, et al. (2019) Temporal tissue-specific regulation of transcriptomes during barley (Hordeum vulgare) seed germination. The Plant Journal : For Cell and Molecular Biology
Narsai R, Gouil Q, Secco D, et al. (2017) Extensive transcriptomic and epigenomic remodelling occurs during Arabidopsis thaliana germination. Genome Biology. 18: 172
Liew LC, Singh MB, Bhalla PL. (2017) A novel role of the soybean clock gene LUX ARRHYTHMO in male reproductive development. Scientific Reports. 7: 10605
Rubenach AJ, Hecht VF, Vander Schoor JK, et al. (2017) Early Flowering 3 redundancy fine-tunes photoperiod sensitivity. Plant Physiology
Liew LC, Singh MB, Bhalla PL. (2013) An RNA-Seq Transcriptome Analysis of Histone Modifiers and RNA Silencing Genes in Soybean during Floral Initiation Process Plos One. 8
Hecht V, Laurie RE, Vander Schoor JK, et al. (2011) The pea GIGAS gene is a FLOWERING LOCUS T homolog necessary for graft-transmissible specification of flowering but not for responsiveness to photoperiod. The Plant Cell. 23: 147-61
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