
A total of 350 users have added data to PoliSci Tree. Of these, 20 have added at least 20 people:
pq 14944 10960
doc_fr 107 97
nickkapur 105 138
sogum 48 57
newberry 43 44
david 41 57
psrm 35 120
HanFeiTzu 35 47
jacr 32 59
alexcotan 31 40
HSTM107 30 36
coppedge 27 29
kleeblatt04 26 24
Lottermoser 25 39
Michelangelol 24 34
utprosim2 23 23
PabloK 22 23
h4115 21 169
TreeHugger 21 34
wrclarkphd 20 24
Total 16675 13989