The Catholic University of America

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Audrey A. AmmonsGeneral, International Law and Relations, Remote Sensing Politics2010 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Luis A. Bitencourt-EmilioInternational Law and Relations2001 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Robert B. BrannonGeneral2006 Joan B. Urban (grad student)
Patrick K. BrattonInternational Law and Relations, General2007 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Brian K. ChappellGeneral, International Relations Politics2014 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Dennis CoyleGeneral
Thomas S. DollardInternational Law and Relations, Asia History, General2001 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Kenneth R. DombroskiInternational Law and Relations, Middle Eastern History2005 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Joseph T. GerardGeneral, Middle Eastern History2002 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Eugene J. HalusGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies, American Studies2003 John Kromkowski (grad student)
Phillip G. HendersonGeneral
Sara B. HowerGeneral, International Law and Relations2008 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Robert F. HynesGeneral2007 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Van Jackson Politics Politics Andrew I. Yeo (grad student), Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Van A. JacksonInternational Relations, General, World History History Politics2014 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Stergos C. KaloudisGeneral, Energy, International Relations, General Economics2009 Joan B. Urban (grad student)
John KromkowskiGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies, American Studies
Steven P MilliesPolitical Theory
R. N. PalarinoGeneral, International Law and Relations2002 Wallace J. Thies (grad student)
Mark J. RozellGeneral, Law, Public Administration
Mitchel A. SollenbergerGeneral, Law, Public Administration2006 Mark J. Rozell (grad student)
Lajos F. SzaszdiGeneral, International Law and Relations, Military Studies2005 Joan B. Urban (grad student)
Wallace J. ThiesGeneral, International Law and Relations, Remote Sensing
Joan B. UrbanInternational Law and Relations
David Walsh
Paul ZummoGeneral2008 Dennis Coyle (grad student)