Stanford University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Gabriel Almond
Barry C. AmesGeneral Political Science19661971 Richard Rees Fagen (grad student)
Helmut K. AnheierPublic and Social Welfare, International Law and Relations, Social Structure and Development Walter W. Powell (grad student)
Allison Anoll Political Science Political Science Gary M. Segura (grad student), Justin R. Grimmer (grad student), Douglas Mcadam (grad student)
Dominique D. ApollonGeneral2003 Lucius Barker (grad student)
Irena AsmundsonGeneral Economics2006 Romain T. Wacziarg (grad student)
Filho AvelinoGeneral, Public Administration, Public and Social Welfare2000 Philippe C. Schmitter (grad student)
Isabel AwadJournalism, Hispanic American Studies, Mass Communications2007 Theodore L. Glasser (grad student)
Juliana BambaciGeneral2007 Barry R. Weingast (grad student)
Lucius BarkerGeneral, Public Administration, Black Studies
Daphna BassokEarly Childhood Education, Teacher Training Education, Administration Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2009 Susanna Loeb (grad student)
Michael N. BastedoHigher Education, Sociology of Education, Public Administration2003 Patricia J. Gumport (grad student)
Jennifer D. BelissentGeneral2000 Michael McFaul (grad student)
Jonathan BendorGeneral, Theory and Methods
Nora BensahelInternational Security Political Science19931999 Scott D. Sagan (grad student)
Douglas BernheimGeneral Economics, General
David Brady
Andrea C. BueschelHigher Education, Sociology of Education2004 Patricia J. Gumport (grad student)
John G. BullockGeneral2007 Paul M. Sniderman (grad student)
Patricia E. BurchAdministration Education, Teacher Training Education2000 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Yong-Shun CaiGeneral2001 Jean Oi (grad student)
Bruce E. Cain
Beatriz A. Camarena OsornoLaw, General, Social Structure and Development2007 Thomas C. Heller (grad student)
Angus Campbell1936 Ernest (Jack) Hilgard (grad student)
Maite Careaga TaguenaGeneral, General Economics, Latin American History2005 Barry R. Weingast (grad student)
Nicole T. CarterEnvironmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Public Administration2000 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Gerhard CasperGeneral, Law
Steven H. ChaffeeMass Communications, General
Nathalie J. ChalifourLaw, Environmental Sciences2005 Thomas C. Heller (grad student)
Rebecca B. ChavezGeneral, Law, International Law and Relations, Latin American History2001 Larry Diamond (grad student)
Suh-Yong ChungLaw, International Law and Relations, Environmental Sciences2002 Thomas C. Heller (grad student)
Joshua D. ClintonPolitical Science2003 R Douglas Rivers (grad student)
Nicholas H. CofodAncient History, Classical Literature2001 Susan M. Treggiari (grad student)
Celine T. CogginsSociology of Education, Teacher Training Education2005 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Dara K. CohenInternational Law and Relations, General2010 James Fearon (grad student)
Jerusha O. ConnerSecondary Education2007 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Silvia Console BattilanaGeneral Economics2007 Douglas Bernheim (grad student)
Paul Harold Cootner
Wayne CorneliusGeneral1974 Richard Rees Fagen (grad student)
Gary W. CoxGeneral Morris P. Fiorina (grad student)
Kareem U. CraytonGeneral, Public Administration, Black Studies2002 Lucius Barker (grad student)
Mariano-Florentino CuellarGeneral, Law, International Law and Relations2001 Barry R. Weingast (grad student)
Andre de Mello e SouzaInternational Law and Relations, General, Law2005 Terry L. Karl (grad student)
Sarah N. DeschenesPublic and Social Welfare, General, Sociology of Education2003 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Larry DiamondGeneral, Law, International Law and Relations, Latin American History Seymour Martin Lipset (grad student)
Martin K. DimitrovGeneral, Public Administration, Law2004 Jean Oi (grad student)
Jesse R. DriscollGeneral, Russian and Soviet History, Military Studies2009 David D. Laitin (grad student)
William G. DubyakGeneral2004 Simon Jackman (grad student)
Catherine S. DugganGeneral2008 David D. Laitin (grad student)
Lauren EdelmanLaw, Theory and Methods, General Sociology19801986 W. Richard Scott (grad student)
Lynn Eden
Paul N. Edwards
Ebru ErdemGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 David D. Laitin (grad student)
Ebru Erdem-AkcayGeneral, International Relations, Peace Studies Political Science Political Science Political Science19992006 Jim Fearon (grad student), David D. Laitin (grad student), James Fearon (grad student)
Philip EthingtonUnited States History, Black History1989 Estelle B. Freedman (grad student)
Richard Rees Fagen1962 Gabriel Almond (grad student)
Tanisha M. FazalGeneral, International Law and Relations Political Science2001 Stephen D. Krasner (grad student), Scott D. Sagan (grad student)
James FearonGeneral, International Relations, Peace Studies
Jim Fearon
Joseph H. FelterGeneral2005 James Fearon (grad student)
John Arthur FerejohnGeneral Economics1972 Raymond Edwin Wolfinger (grad student)
Morris P. FiorinaPublic Administration
M. T. FravelGeneral, International Law and Relations2004 Scott D. Sagan (grad student)
Linda D. FriedrichTeacher Training Education2001 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Brian GainesGeneral R Douglas Rivers (grad student), John Arthur Ferejohn (grad student)
Kurt T. GaubatzInternational Law and Relations Alexander L. George (grad student), Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (grad student)
Cherian GeorgeMass Communications, Journalism, Social Structure and Development2003 Theodore L. Glasser (grad student)
Alexander L. George
Alexander George
Theodore L. GlasserMass Communications, Journalism, General
Judith GoldsteinGeneral, International Law and Relations, General Economics
Jessica GottliebGeneral Political2013 James Fearon (grad student)
Erica R. GouldGeneral, International Law and Relations, General Economics2001 Stephen D. Krasner (grad student)
Elizabeth GrantSociology of Education, Black Studies2005 Susanna Loeb (grad student)
Jason A. GrissomPublic Administration, Administration Education2007 Keith Krehbiel (grad student)
Douglas B. GrobGeneral, United States History, American Studies2001 Barry R. Weingast (grad student)
Joseph GrundfestLaw, International Law and Relations, Finance
Eugenia K. GuilmartinGeneral, Criminology and Penology, American Studies2002 Paul M. Sniderman (grad student)
Patricia J. GumportHigher Education, Sociology of Education, Public Administration
Andrew Benjamin Hallpolitical science, political economy, elections, polarization, accountability
Deborah HanslerLaw, International Law and Relations, General Economics
Anne I. Harringtonnuclear deterrence; nonproliferation; IR theory Center for International Security and Cooperation Center for International Security and Cooperation20102011 Lynn Eden (post-doc), Scott D. Sagan (post-doc)
Ron E. HassnerInternational Law and Relations, History of Religion2003 Stephen D. Krasner (grad student)
William R. HaukCommerce-Business Economics, International Law and Relations2005 Romain T. Wacziarg (grad student)
Hongyan HeEnvironmental Engineering, Public Administration, Environmental Sciences2005 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Thomas C. HellerLaw, International Law and Relations, Environmental Sciences
Emeric HenryGeneral Economics, General2006 Douglas Bernheim (grad student)
Amy M. HightowerAdministration Education2001 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Dione S. HillygusGeneral2003 Morris P. Fiorina (grad student)
Michael HooperUrban Planning2010 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Will Howell Political Science Political Science Political Science19932000 Terry Moe (grad student), David Brady (grad student), John Arthur Ferejohn (grad student)
Rosemary HunterLaw, Women's Studies2006 Deborah L. Rhode (grad student)
Jennifer L. HusbandsSecondary Education, Administration Education2005 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Nahomi IchinoGeneral2008 David D. Laitin (grad student)
Nobutaka Ike
Shanto IyengarMass Communications, General
Simon JackmanGeneral
Tonja JacobiGeneral, Law2004 John Arthur Ferejohn (grad student)
Amy E. JervisAncient History, Classical Literature2001 Susan M. Treggiari (grad student)
Stephen A. JesseeGeneral2007 Simon Jackman (grad student)
Joo-Youn JungGeneral, International Law and Relations2006 Jean Oi (grad student)
Terry L. KarlGeneral, Law, International Law and Relations, Latin American History
Daniel KesslerGeneral, General Economics
Michael W. KirstSociology of Education, Secondary Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Public Administration, History of Education, United States History
William S. KoskiFinance Education, General, Law2003 Michael W. Kirst (grad student)
Stephen D. KrasnerGeneral, International Law and Relations
Ellis KraussGeneral, Cultural Anthropology1973 Nobutaka Ike (grad student)
Keith KrehbielGeneral, United States History, Biography
Jon A. KronsickGeneral
Anupma L. KulkarniGeneral, International Law and Relations, African History2005 Terry L. Karl (grad student)
Andrey KunovGeneral, General Economics2008 Michael McFaul (grad student)
Kenji KushidaComparative Politics, Political Economy, Information Technology
David D. LaitinComparative Politics
David M. LamptonInternational Law and Relations, Asia History, General Economics John Wilson Lewis (grad student)
David D. LatinGeneral
Jennifer L. LawlessGeneral, Women's Studies2003 Morris P. Fiorina (grad student)
Matthew S. LevenduskyGeneral2006 Paul M. Sniderman (grad student)
John Wilson Lewis
Chen LichtensteinGeneral Business Administration, Law, Finance Joseph Grundfest (grad student)
Chao-Chi LinGeneral2007 Daniel Okimoto (grad student)
Seymour Martin LipsetPolitical sociology, European History, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Susanna LoebPublic Administration, Administration Education
Karla P. Lopez de Nava VelascoGeneral2008 David D. Latin (grad student)
Yingdan Lu Communication2017 Jennifer Pan (grad student)
Robert J. MacCounGeneral Economics, Public Administration, Social Psychology, Environmental Sciences Law19831986 Norbert L. Kerr (grad student)
Amichai MagenInternational Law and Relations2008 Thomas C. Heller (grad student)
Christina R. MaimoneGeneral2007 Simon Jackman (grad student)
Solomon MajorGeneral, International Law and Relations2005 Judith Goldstein (grad student)
Neil A. MalhotraGeneral2008 Jon A. Kronsick (grad student), Jon Krosnick (grad student)
James G. MarchOrganizations and Work
Yotam MargalitGeneral, International Law and Relations2008 David D. Laitin (grad student)
Nikolay V. MarinovInternational Law and Relations2003 James Fearon (grad student)
Gary MarksGeneral Seymour Martin Lipset (grad student)
Diane MassellCurriculum and Instruction Education, Administration Education2000 Michael W. Kirst (grad student)
Aila M. MatanockGeneral, International Relations, Peace Studies Political Science2012 James Fearon (grad student)
Christopher J. MazzeoSociology of Education, Secondary Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Public Administration, History of Education, United States History2001 Michael W. Kirst (grad student)
Mathew McCubbinsGeneral, Law Political Science John Arthur Ferejohn (grad student)
Kenneth M. McElwainGeneral2005 Daniel Okimoto (grad student)
Michael McFaulGeneral
Milbrey W. McLaughlinAdministration Education, Public Administration
Marc N. MeredithGeneral, General Economics2008 Daniel Kessler (grad student)
Aidan Milliffpolitical violence, india
Dana L. MitraSociology of Education, Administration Education, Secondary Education2002 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Terry Moe
Francisco J. MonaldiGeneral, General Economics, Management Business Administration2002 Barry R. Weingast (grad student)
Alexander H. MontgomeryInternational Law and Relations Center for International Security and Cooperation19992006 Scott D. Sagan (grad student), Lynn Eden (grad student)
Daniel MuiseCommunication Communication Communication2016 Jennifer Pan (grad student), Byron Reeves (grad student)
Jonathan Mummolo2017 Justin R. Grimmer (grad student)
Earthea B. NanceEnvironmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Civil Engineering, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering2004 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Ashlyn A. NelsonGeneral Economics, Finance Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Susanna Loeb (grad student)
Daniel H. NexonInternational Law and Relations, Security Studies, State Formation, U.S. Foreign Policy
Nora Y. NgGeneral, Law2009 John Arthur Ferejohn (grad student)
Robert Carver North Harold Henry Fisher (grad student)
Stephanie B. OhshitaEnvironmental Engineering, General2003 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Jean OiGeneral
Daniel OkimotoGeneral, International Law and Relations, General Economics
Leonard OrtolanoEnvironmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Public Administration
Jennifer Pan
Josh PasekPolitical Communication, Public Opinion, Social Media, Political Psychology Communication Political Science Communication Communication20062011 Jon Krosnick (grad student), Simon Jackman (grad student), James S. Fishkin (grad student), Shanto Iyengar (grad student)
David S. PatelGeneral, Middle Eastern History, General Religion2007 David D. Laitin (grad student)
Paul D. PatonLaw2007 Deborah L. Rhode (grad student)
Andrew Perlstein Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Jeremy C. PopeGeneral2004 Morris P. Fiorina (grad student)
Bingham PowellGeneral, International Law and Relations Gabriel Almond (grad student)
Netithorn PraditsarnInternational Law and Relations, General Economics2005 Judith Goldstein (grad student)
Bryan C. PriceGeneral2009 Scott D. Sagan (grad student)
David M. PrimoGeneral2002 John Arthur Ferejohn (grad student)
Markus PriorMass Communications, General2004 Shanto Iyengar (grad student)
Sergio Puig de la ParraLaw, International Law and Relations, General Economics2009 Allen S. Weiner (grad student)
Tonya L. PutnamInternational Law and Relations2005 Stephen D. Krasner (grad student)
Lucian Pye Gabriel Almond (grad student)
James M. QuillinClassical Literature, Ancient History, General2002 Susan M. Treggiari (grad student)
Luis RayoTheory Economics2002 Douglas Bernheim (grad student)
Rob Reicheducation, philanthropy Education Nel Noddings (grad student), Susan M. Okin (grad student), Denis C. Phillips (grad student), David B. Tyack (grad student)
Michelle ReiningerSociology of Education, Community College Education, Administration Education2007 Susanna Loeb (grad student)
Deborah L. RhodeLaw, General
Sybil D. RhodesGeneral, International Law and Relations2002 Terry L. Karl (grad student)
Elizabeth H. RichardsEnvironmental Sciences, General Economics, Law2008 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
R Douglas RiversGeneral
Edgar Eugene Robinson
Vidal F. Romero LeonGeneral, Latin American History2005 David D. Laitin (grad student)
Jiang RuEnvironmental Sciences, General, General2004 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Rachel E. RubinfeldInternational Law and Relations, General2009 Judith Goldstein (grad student)
Daniel J. RutherfordEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2006 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
Scott D. SaganGeneral, International Law and Relations
George SanchezUnited States History, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Public Health, General History1989 Albert Camarillo (grad student)
Inna SayferGeneral2008 Terry L. Karl (grad student)
Kenneth ScheveGeneral, Public and Social Welfare Political Science2000 Gary King (grad student)
Philippe C. SchmitterGeneral, Public Administration, Public and Social Welfare
Bruce J. SchulmanUnited States History, General, Biography1987 David M. Kennedy (grad student)
Kenneth SchultzGeneral, International Law and Relations Stephen D. Krasner (grad student), Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (grad student), Kurt T. Gaubatz (grad student)
Heiner SchulzGeneral, International Law and Relations, History Economics2000 Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (grad student)
Todd S. SechserInternational Law and Relations2007 Scott D. Sagan (grad student)
Ethan I. SegalAsia History, History Economics History2003 Jeffrey P. Mass (grad student)
Cameron A. SheltonGeneral Economics, General2005 Romain T. Wacziarg (grad student)
Jorge L. Silva MendezSecondary Education, Administration Education, Law2010 William S. Koski (grad student)
Gretchen C. SimsGeneral, Management Business Administration2003 Morris P. Fiorina (grad student)
Worawut SmuthkalinPublic Administration2006 Jean Oi (grad student)
Paul M. SnidermanGeneral, Criminology and Penology, American Studies
Erik SnowbergLabor Economics, Theory Economics, General2008 Keith Krehbiel (grad student)
Miguel SociasSociology of Education, Finance Education2004 Susanna Loeb (grad student)
John Drummond SpragueGeneral1964 Robert Anderson Horn (grad student)
Susan StokesGeneral, Latin American Studies1988 Richard Rees Fagen (grad student)
Heather M. StollGeneral2005 David D. Laitin (grad student)
Vincent J. StricklerGeneral, Law2006 John Arthur Ferejohn (grad student)
Kaare StromGeneral1984 Giovanni Sartori (grad student), Gabriel Almond (grad student)
Yang Su Sociology Sociology2004 Andrew G. Walder (grad student), Douglas Mcadam (grad student)
Alexander M Tahk Political Science Political Science20032010 Simon Jackman (grad student), Jon Krosnick (grad student)
Clinton W. TaylorInternational Law and Relations, General2008 James Fearon (grad student)
Jonathan A. TerraGeneral2003 Philippe C. Schmitter (grad student), Peter W. Glynn (grad student)
Sean M. TheriaultGeneral, United States History2001 Barry R. Weingast (grad student)
Yves E. TiberghienGeneral, International Law and Relations, General Economics2002 Daniel Okimoto (grad student)
Henri I. TjiongLaw, International Law and Relations, Public Administration2002 Thomas C. Heller (grad student)
Michael R. TomzInternational Law and Relations Political Science2001 Gary King (grad student)
Tetsuro ToyaGeneral, General Economics2000 Daniel Okimoto (grad student)
Susan M. TreggiariClassical Literature, Ancient History, General
Ali Valenzuela Political science Gary M. Segura (grad student)
Romain T. WacziargTheory Economics, General
Karin Wahl-JorgensenJournalism, Mass Communications2000 Theodore L. Glasser (grad student)
Jessica S. WallackGeneral Economics, General2004 Romain T. Wacziarg (grad student)
Dequan WangLaw, International Law and Relations, Finance2007 Joseph Grundfest (grad student)
Robert E. WardPolitical Science of Japan
Mara K. WarwickEnvironmental Engineering, Public Administration2003 Leonard Ortolano (grad student)
James T. Watkins IV
Steven Weber Alexander George (grad student)
Marjorie E. WechslerAdministration Education2002 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Jessica Weeks2009 Kenneth Schultz (grad student)
Allen S. WeinerLaw, International Law and Relations, General Economics
Barry R. WeingastGeneral, Law, International Law and Relations Morris P. Fiorina (grad student)
Jeremy Weinstein Robert H. Bates (grad student)
Richard W. WestallClassical Literature, Ancient History2000 Susan M. Treggiari (grad student)
Larry WolffEuropean History, International Law and Relations, Military History History1979 Wayne S. Vucinich (grad student)
Jonathan E. WoonGeneral, General Economics2005 Keith Krehbiel (grad student)
Yiqing Xu Political Science20102016 Jens Hainmueller (grad student)
Leo Y. YangComputational Social Science Department of Political Science20172023 Yiqing Xu (grad student)
Mariko YoshiharaGeneral2000 Daniel Okimoto (grad student)
Viki M. YoungAdministration Education2005 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Joel A. ZarrowAdministration Education2001 Milbrey W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Dina ZinnesInternational Law and Relations, Theory Economics1963 Robert Carver North (grad student)
Neta ZivLaw, General2001 Deborah L. Rhode (grad student)