Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jalal AlamgirInternational Law and Relations, Asia History, General Economics2000 Thomas J. Biersteker (grad student)
Peter AndreasGeneral, International Relations, Public Administration, Latin American Studies
Peter A. AykensInternational Law and Relations, General, History Economics2003 Thomas J. Biersteker (grad student)
Yoshiaki AzumaGeneral Economics2002 Herschel I. Grossman (grad student)
Thomas J. BierstekerGeneral, International Law and Relations, Latin American History
George BortsGeneral Economics, International Law and Relations
Brett M. CliftonGeneral2002 Darrell West (grad student)
Andrew M EngelhardtPolitical Psychology, Public Opinion
Dmitriy GershensonGeneral Economics, International Law and Relations2000 Herschel I. Grossman (grad student)
Herschel I. GrossmanGeneral Economics, Banking Business Administration, Public Administration
P Terrence HopmannInternational Law and Relations, Management Business Administration, Commerce-Business Economics, Energy
Christine A. KearneyGeneral, International Law and Relations, Latin American History2001 Thomas J. Biersteker (grad student)
Hyun-Wook KimInternational Law and Relations, General2008 P Terrence Hopmann (grad student)
Veronica M. KitchenGeneral, International Law and Relations20012006 P Terrence Hopmann (grad student), Thomas J. Biersteker (grad student)
Maria C. KulaGeneral Economics, Public Administration, Finance2000 Bent Sorenson (grad student)
Melissa T. LabonteInternational Law and Relations2006 P Terrence Hopmann (grad student)
Marika Landau-Wells20132018 Rose McDermott (grad student)
Jacob T. LevyPolitical theory Political Science19891993 Nancy L. Rosenblum (research assistant)
Matthew A. LieberGeneral, International Relations, Public Administration, Latin American Studies2010 Peter Andreas (grad student)
Maria J. Luengo-PradoGeneral Economics, Finance Education2000 Bent Sorenson (grad student)
Michael Y. M. KauGeneral
Andrew D. MarbleGeneral2002 Michael Y. M. Kau (grad student)
Joel E. OestreichInternational Law and Relations, Finance2001 Thomas J. Biersteker (grad student)
Arito OnoGeneral Economics, Banking Business Administration, Public Administration2001 Herschel I. Grossman (grad student)
Shankar K. PrasadGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Darrell West (grad student)
Peter RomaniukInternational Law and Relations2006 Thomas J. Biersteker (grad student)
Bent SorensonGeneral Economics, Public Administration, Finance
Fumiko TamuraGeneral Economics, International Law and Relations2006 George Borts (grad student)
Darrell WestGeneral
David S. WesternGeneral, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Peace Studies2009 Thomas J. Biersteker (grad student)
Ruodan XuPolitical Science
Alan S. ZuckermanGeneral, General