University of Iowa

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Chitra V. AkkoorSpeech Communication, Ethnic and Racial Studies Communication Studies2011 Kristine Munoz (grad student)
Natasha E. Altema McNeelyGeneral, Black Studies, Hispanic American Studies, African American Studies Political Science2013 Rene R. Rocha (grad student)
Rauf ArifMass Communications, Journalism, Web Studies, Islamic Studies, International Relations Journalism2014 Lyombe Eko (grad student)
Kedron J. BardwellGeneral2002 Peverill Squire (grad student)
Christina E. BejaranoGeneral, Women's Studies, Hispanic American Studies2007 Vicki L. Hesli (grad student)
Venise T. BerryMass Communications, Law, Music, Black Studies, General, American Studies
Frederick J. BoehmkeGeneral
Stephen BorrelliGeneral, Public and Social Welfare, Criminology and Penology Political Science19851990 Cary Covington (grad student)
Daniel C. BowenGeneral Political Science2010 Caroline J. Tolbert (grad student)
Gail J. ButtorffGeneral, Middle Eastern Studies, North African Studies Political Science2011 Douglas Dion (grad student)
John A. C. ConybeareGeneral
Karla C. CarneyHigher Education, Administration Education2004 Debora Liddell (grad student)
Chuan-Hsien ChangGeneral2007 Douglas Dion (grad student)
David CheshierMass Communications, Journalism, General Michael Calvin McGee (grad student)
Kevin L. ChlarsonGeneral2000 Peverill Squire (grad student)
Andrew J. CivettiniGeneral2007 David Redlawsk (grad student)
Robert E. ColvardAsia History, South Asian Studies, Modern History History2013 Paul Greenough (grad student)
John C. ConybeareGeneral, International Law and Relations
Cary CovingtonGeneral, International Law and Relations, United States History, Law
Alfonso J. DamicoGeneral
Benjamin J. DarrGeneral, Asian Studies Political Science2011 Wenfang Tang (grad student)
Mark R. DePueUnited States History2004 David Schoenbaum (grad student)
Douglas DionGeneral
Brian S. DiSarroGeneral, GLBT Studies2008 Peverill Squire (grad student)
Lyombe EkoMass Communications, General, Journalism
Gwyn M. ErbGeneral, Higher Education, International Law and Relations2002 Arthur H. Miller (grad student)
William W. FrankoGeneral Political Science2012 Caroline J. Tolbert (grad student)
Douglas J. FrederickLaw, Mass Communications, Journalism2007 Lyombe Eko (grad student)
Amanda M. FrostGeneral Political Science2013 Michael S. Lewis-Beck (grad student)
Gesine M. GerhardEuropean History, Modern History, General Agriculture, Agricultural Economics2000 David Schoenbaum (grad student)
Alice N. GilchristGeneral, Early Childhood Education2006 Peverill Squire (grad student)
Franklin D. Gilliam
Michael GlasscoMass Communications, Marketing Business Administration Mass Communications2012 Venise T. Berry (grad student)
Zachary D. GreeneGeneral, Organizational, Public and Social Welfare Political Science2012 Jae-Jae Spoon (grad student)
Paul GreenoughAmerican Studies, Environmental Sciences, International Law and Relations
Rodney B. HallInternational Law and Relations, General
Edmond D. HallyGeneral Political Science2007 Alfonso J. Damico (grad student)
Allison J. HamiltonGeneral, Multimedia Communications, Women's Studies Political Science2013 Caroline J. Tolbert (grad student)
Choong H. HanJournalism, Mass Communications, Asian Studies Journalism2010 Lyombe Eko (grad student)
Holley E. HansenGeneral, East European Studies Political Science2009 Vicki L. Hesli (grad student)
Vicki L. HesliGeneral, East European Studies
Eric H. HinesGeneral2006 Michael S. Lewis-Beck (grad student)
David B. HingstmanRhetoric and Composition Language, Women's Studies, International Law and Relations
Michaela Hoenicke-MooreUnited States History, International Relations, Latin American History
David W. HogbergGeneral2003 Peverill Squire (grad student)
Meryl J. IrwinRhetoric and Composition Language, American Studies, General Communication Studies2012 David B. Hingstman (grad student)
Amber JannuschSpeech Communication, General, Theory and Methods Communication Studies2014 Kristine Munoz (grad student)
Hoi O. JeongGeneral, Latin American Studies, Asian American Studies Political Science2009 Michael S. Lewis-Beck (grad student)
Karleen A. JonesGeneral2008 Michael S. Lewis-Beck (grad student)
Ha-Lyong JungInternational Law and Relations2003 John A. C. Conybeare (grad student)
Kelly M. KaderaGeneral, International Relations, Peace Studies
Ersin Kalaycioglu Political Science1977 Gerhard Loewenberg (grad student)
Karen M. KaufmannGeneral Political Science Franklin D. Gilliam (grad student)
Angela H. KelloggHigher Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2006 Debora Liddell (grad student)
Youngwan KimGeneral, International Law and Relations Political Science2011 Sara M. Mitchell (grad student)
Thomas F. KlobucarGeneral2003 Arthur H. Miller (grad student)
Benjamin R. KnollGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies Political Science2010 Rene R. Rocha (grad student)
Mark A. KrinesApplied Mathematics, Computer Science Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences2014 Douglas Dion (grad student)
Daria Kuznetsova2023 William M. Reisinger (grad student)
Brian Lai
Geoffrey D. LarsonGeneral, International Law and Relations, United States History, Law2003 Cary Covington (grad student)
Scott J. LasleyGeneral2000 Peverill Squire (grad student)
Hoon LeeGeneral, International Law and Relations2008 Sara M. Mitchell (grad student)
Vanessa A. LeflerGeneral, International Relations, Peace Studies Political Science2012 Kelly M. Kadera (grad student)
Michael S. Lewis-BeckGeneral
Amanda A. LichtInternational Law and Relations, International Relations Political Science2010 Brian Lai (grad student)
Debora LiddellHigher Education, General
Curtis B. LivesaySpeech Communication, Individual and Family Studies Communication Studies2012 Kristine Munoz (grad student)
Gerhard LoewenbergGeneral, Law, International Law and Relations
Haofeng MaComparative Politics, Public Opinion, Political Linguistics Department of Political Science Department of Political Science2024 William M. Reisinger (grad student), Elise Pizzi (grad student)
Douglas K. MadsenGeneral
Nicholas F. MartiniGeneral, International Relations Political Science2012 David Redlawsk (grad student)
James P. McDaniel2000 Michael Calvin McGee (grad student)
Michael Calvin McGee
Robert J McGrathAmerican Politics, Congress, Bureaucracy, State Politics, Oversight, Public Policy, Health Policy Political Science20052011 Frederick J. Boehmke (grad student)
Arthur H. Miller
Mark S. MiloschEuropean History, General2002 David Schoenbaum (grad student)
Tae E. MinGeneral, Asian American Studies, Hispanic American Studies Political Science2010 Michael S. Lewis-Beck (grad student)
Sara M. MitchellGeneral, International Law and Relations
Kenneth W. MoffettAmerican Politics20002006 Douglas Dion (grad student), Charles R. Shipan (grad student)
Kyle A. MoodyMass Communications, Multimedia Communications, Organizational, Web Studies Mass Communications2014 Venise T. Berry (grad student)
Bryon J. MoraskiGeneral2001 William M. Reisinger (grad student)
Daniel S. MoreyInternational Law and Relations2006 Kelly M. Kadera (grad student)
Kristine MunozSpeech Communication, General, Theory and Methods
Stephen C. NemethGeneral, International Law and Relations Political Science Political Science2010 Sara M. Mitchell (grad student), Brian Lai (grad student)
Hyeon S. ParkGeneral Political Science2012 John A. C. Conybeare (grad student)
Elise PizziPolitical Science
Ahmad S. Qabazard2022 William M. Reisinger (grad student)
David RedlawskGeneral
William M. ReisingerInternational Relations, Military Studies
Jonathan J. RingGeneral Political Science2014 Kelly M. Kadera (grad student)
Rene R. RochaGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Marisela RosasHigher Education, General Counseling, Rehabilitation and Student Development2010 Debora Liddell (grad student)
Brent D. RubenManagement Business Administration, Public Administration1970 Richard Wade Budd (grad student)
James A. RydbergGeneral Political Science2010 Frederick J. Boehmke (grad student)
Howard B. SanbornGeneral Political Science2009 Douglas K. Madsen (grad student)
Michael E. SchluckebierHigher Education, Higher Education Administration Education, Guidance and Counseling Education Counseling, Rehabilitation and Student Development2013 Debora Liddell (grad student)
David SchoenbaumEuropean History, General
Rae L. SchwartzRhetoric and Composition Language, Women's Studies, International Law and Relations2006 David B. Hingstman (grad student)
James L. SernoeMass Communications, Law, Music, Black Studies, General, American Studies2000 Carolyn Stewart-Dyer (grad student)
Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh
Megan L. ShannonInternational Law and Relations, General2005 Kelly M. Kadera (grad student)
Vanessa SheltonMass Communications, Journalism, Black History, Black Studies2007 Venise T. Berry (grad student)
Godwin E. SikankuMass Communications, Journalism, General Mass Communications2013 Lyombe Eko (grad student)
Tracy H. SlagterGeneral, Law, International Law and Relations2006 Gerhard Loewenberg (grad student)
Maria F. SomuanoGeneral2003 William M. Reisinger (grad student)
Jae-Jae SpoonGeneral, Organizational, Public and Social Welfare
Peverill SquireGeneral
Mary A. StegmaierGeneral2000 Michael S. Lewis-Beck (grad student)
Carolyn Stewart-DyerMass Communications, Law, Music, Black Studies, General, American Studies
Wenfang TangGeneral, Asian Studies
Cameron G. ThiesInternational Relations, Military Studies
Clayton L. ThyneGeneral, International Law and Relations Political Science2007 Sara M. Mitchell (grad student)
Caroline J. TolbertGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Scott J. VardaSpeech Communication, Black Studies, United States History2007 David B. Hingstman (grad student)
Gerald A. VoorheesMultimedia Communications, Mass Communications, Rhetoric and Composition Language2009 David B. Hingstman (grad student)
Christa J. WardMass Communications, Women's Studies2003 Venise T. Berry (grad student)
Alden L. WeightMass Communications2005 Venise T. Berry (grad student)
Dierdre L. WendelGeneral, International Law and Relations2001 John A. C. Conybeare (grad student)
Spencer L. WillardsonInternational Relations, Military Studies Political Science2013 Cameron G. Thies (grad student)
Jill N. WittrockGeneral2008 Michael S. Lewis-Beck (grad student)
Jeremy R. YoudeInternational Law and Relations, General2005 Rodney B. Hall (grad student)
Hsin-I YuehSpeech Communication, Gender Studies, General Language, Mass Communications Communication Studies2012 Kristine Munoz (grad student)