Sumeyye Z. Akbulut | Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Studies, Women's Studies | | | 2011 | Resat Kasaba (grad student) |
Fahed Y. Al-Sumait | Speech Communication, International Relations, Middle Eastern Studies | | | 2011 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
Roni Amit | International Law and Relations, Law | | | 2004 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Lauren R. Archer | Rhetoric and Composition Language, Speech Communication, Public Health | Communication | | 2014 | Leah Ceccarelli (grad student) |
Lynne M. Baab | Mass Communications, Rhetoric and Composition Language, General Religion, Information Science | | | 2007 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
David Bachman | General, Public and Social Welfare | | | | |
Gerald J. Baldasty | Mass Communications, Public and Social Welfare, Environmental Studies, Public Administration | | | | |
Matthew A. Barreto | General, Hispanic American Studies, Polling | | | | |
Lauren L. Basson | General, American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies | | | 2002 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Anis Bawashi | Rhetoric and Composition Language, International Relations, Journalism | | | | |
Howard Saul Becker | Sociology | | | | |
Daniel Berliner | General, Law, Legal Studies | Political Science | | 2012 | Aseem Prakash (grad student) |
Brian J. Berry | Public Administration, Public and Social Welfare | | | | William Louis Garrison (grad student) |
Jessica L. Beyer | General, Speech Communication, Information Technology, Web Studies | | | 2011 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Douglas Bicket | Mass Communications, General | | | 2001 | Richard B. Kielbowicz (grad student) |
Nancy R. Bixler | Speech Communication | | | 2010 | Leah Ceccarelli (grad student) |
David P. Brockington | General, Cognitive Psychology | | | 2000 | Don McCrone (grad student) |
Cathy F. Bullock | Mass Communications, General, Journalism | | | 2001 | Keith R. Stamm (grad student) |
Robin Bush | | | | | Daniel Lev (grad student) |
Angel Luis Cabrera | | | | 2001 | Jamie Mayerfeld (grad student) |
James A. Caporaso | International Law and Relations, General | | | | |
Jean Carmalt | Geography, International Law and Relations, Ethics | | | 2010 | Steve Herbert (grad student) |
Leah Ceccarelli | Rhetoric and Composition Language, Environmental Sciences, General | | | | |
Wongi Choe | General | | | 2005 | Donald C. Hellmann (grad student) |
Fiona J. Clark | Mass Communications | | | 2006 | Keith R. Stamm (grad student) |
Donald Clarke | Law, General, Social Structure and Development | | | | |
Loren Collingwood | | Political science | | | Christopher S. Parker (grad student) |
Betsy Cooper | | Political science | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Linda Cornett | International Law and Relations, General | | | 2000 | James A. Caporaso (grad student) |
Richard B. Crosby | Rhetoric and Composition Language, General Religion, General | | | 2009 | Leah Ceccarelli (grad student) |
Lawrence J. Cushnie | General, Law, Social Structure and Development, Theory and Methods | Political Science | | 2014 | George I. Lovell (grad student) |
Karam Dana | | NELC | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Jamie S. Davidson | General, Asia History | | | 2002 | Daniel Lev (grad student) |
Geoffrey Desa | Management Business Administration, Public Administration, General Business Administration | | | 2008 | Suresh Kotha (grad student) |
Damon T. Di Cicco | Speech Communication, General | Communication | | 2013 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
David S. Domke | International Law and Relations, Speech Communication, International Relations, Journalism, Mass Communications | | | | |
Meghan Dougherty | Information Science | | | 2007 | Kirsten Foot (grad student) |
Jeffrey Dudas | Law and Society, Law and Politics, American Studies | Political Science | 1997 | 2003 | Michael W. McCann (grad student) |
Kristin A. Edquist | General, International Law and Relations, Women's Studies | | | 2001 | Christine Ingebritsen (grad student) |
Deborah K. Elms | General | | | 2003 | James A. Caporaso (grad student) |
Robert M. Farley | General, International Law and Relations | | | 2004 | Jonathan Mercer (grad student) |
Jens Feeley | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Brittany Fiore-Silfvast | Speech Communication, Information Science, General, Health Care Management | Communication | | 2014 | Kirsten Foot (grad student) |
Gregory C. Fisher | Entrepreneurship Business Administration, Organizational, Organization Theory, Industrial Psychology | Business - Foster School of | | 2012 | Suresh Kotha (grad student) |
Kirsten Foot | Speech Communication, General, Public and Social Welfare | | | | |
Wilton Fowler | United States History, International Law and Relations, Latin American History | | | | |
Steven Fox | Information Science | | | 2007 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
Luis R. Fraga | General | | | | |
Ann Frost | Public and Social Welfare | Political Science | | 2014 | Luis R. Fraga (grad student) |
Marcela Garcia-Castanon | General | Political Science Political science | | 2013 | Luis R. Fraga (grad student), Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Sergio Garcia-Rios | | Political science | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
John W Gastil | Speech Communication, General | | | | |
Anthony Gill | political science, political economy, religion | | | | |
Jason A. Gilmore | Speech Communication | Communication Department of Genome Sciences | | 2013 | David S. Domke (grad student), Brook L. Nunn (post-doc) |
Hurriyet Gokdayi | Speech Communication | | | 2000 | Resat Kasaba (grad student) |
Ellis Goldberg | General, Asia History, General | | | | |
David Gomulya | Entrepreneurship Business Administration, Management Business Administration | | | 2011 | Suresh Kotha (grad student) |
Benjamin Gonzalez | General | Political Science Political science | | 2014 | Luis R. Fraga (grad student), Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Evrim Gormus | General, Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Studies | Near and Middle Eastern Studies | | 2014 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Seth W. Greenfest | General, Law | Political Science | | 2012 | George I. Lovell (grad student) |
Brian Greenhill | International Relations, General, Organizational | | | 2010 | Aseem Prakash (grad student) |
Mary Kay Gugerty | Public Administration, General Economics, General, Sociology of Education, Women's Studies | | | | |
Kristin L. Gustafson | Mass Communications, Journalism, Asian American Studies, GLBT Studies | | | 2010 | Gerald J. Baldasty (grad student) |
Walter F. Hatch | General, General Economics | | | 2000 | Kozo Yamamura (grad student) |
Donald C. Hellmann | International Law and Relations | | | | |
Steve Herbert | Geography, General, American Studies | | | | |
Linda Heuertz | Library Science, Speech Communication | | | 2009 | Richard B. Kielbowicz (grad student) |
Christopher Heurlin | Public and Social Welfare | | | 2011 | Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |
Julie Homchick | Rhetoric and Composition Language, Speech Communication, History of Science, Museology | | | 2009 | Leah Ceccarelli (grad student) |
Patricia J. Hooper | Mass Communications, Public and Social Welfare, Environmental Studies, Public Administration | | | 2010 | Gerald J. Baldasty (grad student) |
Margaret H. Hornbaker | Public Administration, Law, Environmental Sciences | | | 2002 | Barry Hyman (grad student) |
Cynthia Horne | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Hsiao-Chi Hsu | General, Asian Studies | | | 2011 | David Bachman (grad student) |
Kiku Huckle | | | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Iza R. Hussin | General, Law, Modern History | | | 2008 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Barry Hyman | Public Administration, Law, Environmental Sciences | | | | |
Arda Ibikoglu | General, Middle Eastern Studies, Criminology and Penology | | | 2012 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Christine Ingebritsen | General, International Law and Relations, Women's Studies | | | | |
Joseph H. Jupille | General | Political Science | | 2000 | James A. Caporaso (grad student), Margaret Levi (grad student) |
Resat Kasaba | General, Middle Eastern History, Ethnic and Racial Studies | | | | |
Turan Kayaoglu | International Law and Relations, General | | | 2005 | Elizabeth Kier (grad student) |
Todd S. Kelshaw | Speech Communication, General | | | 2002 | John W Gastil (grad student) |
Arang Keshavarzian | General, Middle Eastern History | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Richard B. Kielbowicz | Mass Communications, General | | | | |
Elizabeth Kier | International Law and Relations, General | | | | |
Katherine R. Knobloch | Speech Communication, General | Communication | | 2012 | John W Gastil (grad student) |
Suresh Kotha | Management Business Administration, Public Administration, General Business Administration | | | | |
Ahmet T. Kuru | General, General Religion, Modern History, General | | | 2006 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student), Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Sebastien Lazardeux | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Taedong Lee | General, Public and Social Welfare, International Relations, Climate Change | | | 2010 | Aseem Prakash (grad student) |
Daniel Lev | | | | | |
Yuting Li | | Political Science | | 2016 | Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |
Meredith Li-Vollmer | Mass Communications | | | 2002 | Gerald J. Baldasty (grad student) |
Ying Lin | | | | 2007 | Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |
Ketty A. Loeb | General, Public and Social Welfare | Political Science | | 2014 | David Bachman (grad student) |
George I. Lovell | General, Law | | | | |
Xiao Ma | | | | 2017 | Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |
Beatrice Magistro | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Tabitha Grace Mallory | China; ocean governance; maritime; fisheries policy | | | | |
Kimberley P. Manning | General, Asia History, Women's Studies | | | 2003 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student), Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |
Edith Manosevitch | Journalism, Mass Communications, General | | | 2007 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
Adrienne L. Massanari | Mass Communications, History of Science, Information Science | | | 2007 | Kirsten Foot (grad student) |
Jamie Mayerfeld | International Law and Relations, General | | | | |
Michael W. McCann | | | | | |
Don McCrone | General, Cognitive Psychology | | | | |
Christopher A. McNally | General, International Law and Relations | | | 2000 | David Bachman (grad student) |
Lindsey Meeks | Speech Communication, Mass Communications, Gender Studies | Communication | | 2013 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
Jonathan Mercer | General, International Law and Relations | | | | |
Joel S. Migdal | General, Middle Eastern Studies, North African Studies | | | | |
Edward L. Miles | Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, International Law and Relations | | | | |
Tamir M. Moustafa | General, Law, Middle Eastern History | | | 2002 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student), Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Bradley Jensen Murg | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Will Murg | | | | 2015 | Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |
Yoshinori Nishizaki | General, Asia History, General | | | 2004 | Ellis Goldberg (grad student) |
Niall F. O Murchu | General, International Law and Relations, Ethnic and Racial Studies, European History, Middle Eastern History | | | 2000 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Kassra AR Oskooii | | Political science | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Nesrin Ozalp | Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering | | | 2005 | Barry Hyman (grad student) |
Diana Pallais | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Christopher S. Parker | | | | | |
Francisco Pedraza | | Political science | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student), Gary M. Segura (grad student) |
Zhe Peng | Law, Legal Studies, Asian Studies, International Law and Relations | Law | | 2012 | Toshiko Takenaka (grad student) |
April L. Peterson | Mass Communications | | | 2006 | Gerald J. Baldasty (grad student) |
Jennifer L. Petzen | Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Cultural Anthropology | | | 2008 | Resat Kasaba (grad student) |
Anthony Pezzola | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Orakanoke Phanraksa | Law | | | 2005 | Toshiko Takenaka (grad student) |
Mary A. Pickert | General | | | 2003 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Michele T. Poff | Mass Communications, Climate Change | | | 2010 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
Aseem Prakash | General, Law, Legal Studies | | | | |
Scott A. Rausch | United States History, International Law and Relations, Latin American History | | | 2000 | Wilton Fowler (grad student) |
Justin S. Reedy | Speech Communication, General, Hispanic American Studies | Communication | | 2013 | John W Gastil (grad student) |
Greg Ridgeway | Operations Research, Public Administration, General Economics | | | 1999 | David Madigan (grad student), Thomas S. Richardson (grad student) |
Norma E. Rodriguez | General, Ethnic and Racial Studies | | | 2001 | Andrea Y. Simpson (grad student) |
Charles M. Rowling | General, Speech Communication, Journalism, Mass Communications | Political Science | | 2012 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
Loren Ryter | | Political Science | | | Daniel Lev (grad student) |
Hironori Sasada | General, Asia History | | | 2008 | Aseem Prakash (grad student) |
Yu Sasaki | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Jason Scheideman | General | | | 2010 | Elizabeth Kier (grad student) |
Margaret A. Shannon | | | | | |
Penelope H. Sheets | Speech Communication, General, Social Psychology, Marketing Business Administration | | | 2011 | David S. Domke (grad student) |
Andrea Y. Simpson | General United States Politics, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | | | | |
Jaidev Singh | Geography, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, General, Environmental Sciences | | | 2001 | J Alan Wagar (grad student) |
Adrian Sinkler | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Christi L. Siver | International Law and Relations, Military History, Military Studies | | | 2009 | Elizabeth Kier (grad student), Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Benjamin Smith | | | | | Joel S. Migdal (grad student), Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Margaret A. Spratt | Mass Communications, Journalism | | | 2002 | Gerald J. Baldasty (grad student) |
Keith R. Stamm | Mass Communications, General, Journalism | | | | |
Katherine Stenger | | | | | Anthony Gill (grad student) |
Michael Strausz | International Law and Relations | | | 2007 | Elizabeth Kier (grad student) |
Pamela J. Stumpo | General, Middle Eastern Studies, North African Studies | Political Science | | 2012 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Toshiko Takenaka | Law, Legal Studies, Asian Studies, International Law and Relations | | | | |
Smith Thummachua | Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, International Law and Relations | | | 2003 | Edward L. Miles (grad student) |
Amoshaun P. Toft | Speech Communication, General, Public and Social Welfare | | | 2010 | Kirsten Foot (grad student) |
Chris Towler | | Political science | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Jack Turner | General, African American Studies, Public Health, Black Studies | | | | |
Mary L. Veden | Rhetoric and Composition Language, Speech Communication, Law | | | 2011 | Leah Ceccarelli (grad student) |
Anu Wadhwa | Management Business Administration | | | 2005 | Suresh Kotha (grad student) |
J Alan Wagar | Geography, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, General, Environmental Sciences | | | | |
Hannah Walker | | Political science | | | Matthew A. Barreto (grad student) |
Nicole F. Watts | General, Middle Eastern History, Ethnic and Racial Studies | | | 2001 | Resat Kasaba (grad student) |
Susan H. Whiting | China, Political Economy | | | | |
Jong-Kyun Woo | Law | | | 2002 | Toshiko Takenaka (grad student) |
Patricia J. Woods | General, Middle Eastern History, Law, General Religion | | | 2001 | Joel S. Migdal (grad student) |
Kozo Yamamura | General, General Economics | | | | |
Jong Y. Ye | International Law and Relations | | | 2001 | Donald C. Hellmann (grad student) |
Changdong Zhang | General | | | 2012 | Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |
Tan Zhao | | | | 2021 | Susan H. Whiting (grad student) |