Zachary S. Elkins, Ph.D.

2003 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Zachary Elkins"


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Henry E. Brady grad student
Ruth B. Collier grad student
Rui d. Figueiredo grad student
Beth A. Simmons grad student
David Collier grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
 (Designed by diffusion: International networks and the spread of democracy.)


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Joe Amick grad student UT Austin
Alex Hudson grad student UT Austin
Robert Shaffer grad student
BETA: Related publications


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Elkins Z, Ginsburg T, Melton J. (2016) On the influence of Magna Carta and other cultural relics International Review of Law and Economics. 47: 3-9
Cheibub JA, Elkins Z, Ginsburg T. (2014) Beyond presidentialism and parliamentarism British Journal of Political Science. 44: 515-544
Elkins Z, Ginsburg T, Melton J, et al. (2014) Constitute: The world's constitutions to read, search, and compare Journal of Web Semantics. 27: 10-18
Elkins Z, Ginsburg T, Simmons BA. (2013) Getting to Rights: Treaty Ratification, Constitutional Convergence, and Human Rights Practice Harvard International Law Journal. 54: 61-95
Melton J, Elkins Z, Ginsburg T, et al. (2013) On the Interpretability of Law: Lessons from the Decoding of National Constitutions British Journal of Political Science. 43: 399-423
Elkins ZS, Ginsburg T, Melton J. (2012) Comments on Law and Versteeg's 'The Declining Influence of the United States Constitution' New York University Law Review. 87: 2088-2101
Elkins Z. (2012) Decentralization and Subnational Politics in Latin America. By Tulia G. Falleti. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 312p. $89.00 cloth, $28.00 paper. Perspectives On Politics. 10: 1099-1101
Ginsburg T, Melton J, Elkins Z. (2011) On the Evasion of Executive Term Limits William and Mary Law Review. 52: 1807-1872
Cheibub JA, Elkins Z, Ginsburg T. (2011) Latin American Presidentialism in Comparative and Historical Perspective Texas Law Review. 89: 1707-1739
Elkins Z. (2010) Diffusion and the Constitutionalization of Europe Comparative Political Studies. 43: 969-999
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