Patrick Vinck, Ph.D.

2006 Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, United States 
Social Structure and Development, International Law and Relations, Social Psychology
"Patrick Vinck"


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Eamon M. Kelly grad student 2006 Tulane
 (In the eyes of victims, peace and justice in Northern Uganda.)
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Oliver N, Lepri B, Sterly H, et al. (2020) Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic life cycle. Science Advances. 6: eabc0764
Kraemer MUG, Pigott DM, Hill SC, et al. (2020) Dynamics of conflict during the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2018-2019. Bmc Medicine. 18: 113
Enenkel M, Shrestha RM, Stokes EC, et al. (2020) Emergencies do not stop at night: Advanced analysis of displacement based on satellite-derived nighttime light observations Journal of Reproduction and Development. 64
Kreutzer T, Vinck P, Pham PN, et al. (2020) Improving humanitarian needs assessments through natural language processing Journal of Reproduction and Development. 64
Vinck P, Pham PN, Bindu KK, et al. (2019) Institutional trust and misinformation in the response to the 2018-19 Ebola outbreak in North Kivu, DR Congo: a population-based survey. The Lancet. Infectious Diseases
Pham PN, Gibbons N, Vinck P. (2019) A framework for assessing political will in transitional justice contexts The International Journal of Human Rights. 23: 993-1009
Jones L, Samman E, Vinck P. (2018) Subjective measures of household resilience to climate variability and change: insights from a nationally representative survey of Tanzania Ecology and Society. 23
Pham PN, Gibbons N, Vinck P. (2017) The United Nations Material Assistance to Survivors of Cholera in Haiti: Consulting Survivors and Rebuilding Trust. Plos Currents. 9
Maclin BJ, Kelly JTD, Perks R, et al. (2017) Moving to the mines: Motivations of men and women for migration to artisanal and small-scale mining sites in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo Resources Policy. 51: 115-122
Alcayna T, Bollettino V, Dy P, et al. (2016) Resilience and Disaster Trends in the Philippines: Opportunities for National and Local Capacity Building. Plos Currents. 8
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