Judith E. Scott-Clayton, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
Public Administration, Higher Education, Labor Economics, Finance EducationGoogle:
"Judith Scott-Clayton"Parents
Sign in to add mentorChristopher S. Jencks | grad student | |||
Lawrence Francis Katz | grad student | (Econometree) | ||
Susan M. Dynarski | grad student | 2009 | Harvard | |
(Understanding America's unfinished transformation: Three essays on the economics of higher education.) |
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Scott-Clayton J, Schudde L. (2024) The Consequences of Performance Standards in Need-Based Aid: Evidence from Community Colleges. The Journal of Human Resources. 55: 1105-1136 |
Minaya V, Scott-Clayton J. (2020) Labor Market Trajectories for Community College Graduates: How Returns to Certificates and Associate's degrees Evolve Over Time Education Finance and Policy. 1-62 |
Scott-Clayton JE, Wen Q. (2019) Estimating Returns to College Attainment: Comparing Survey and State Administrative Data-Based Estimates. Evaluation Review. 43: 266-306 |
Scott-Clayton J, Zafar B. (2019) Financial aid, debt management, and socioeconomic outcomes: post-college effects of merit-based aid Journal of Public Economics. 170: 68-82 |
Murphy R, Scott-Clayton J, Wyness G. (2019) The end of free college in England: Implications for enrolments, equity, and quality Economics of Education Review. 71: 7-22 |
Park RSE, Scott-Clayton J. (2018) The Impact of Pell Grant Eligibility on Community College Students’ Financial Aid Packages, Labor Supply, and Academic Outcomes: Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 40: 557-585 |
Murphy R, Scott-Clayton J, Wyness G. (2017) The End of Free College in England: Implications for Quality, Enrolments and Equity Lse Research Online Documents On Economics |
Scott-Clayton JE, Schudde L. (2016) Performance Standards in Need-Based Student Aid National Bureau of Economic Research |
Dynarski SM, Scott-Clayton J. (2016) Tax Benefits for College Attendance National Bureau of Economic Research |
Page LC, Scott-Clayton J. (2016) Improving college access in the United States: Barriers and policy responses Economics of Education Review. 51: 4-22 |