Martha C. Bottia, Ph.D.

2010 Public Policy (PhD) University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, United States 
Public and Social Welfare, Criminology and Penology
"Martha Bottia"


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Paul C. Friday grad student 2010 UNC Charlotte
 (Drug control policies: The cases of Colombia and the United States.)
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Mickelson RA, Bottia MC, Larimore S. (2020) A Metaregression Analysis of the Effects of School Racial and Ethnic Composition on K–12 Reading, Language Arts, and English Outcomes: The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 233264922094226
Bottia MC, Stearns E, Mickelson RA, et al. (2020) The Importance of Community Colleges in Students’ Choice to Major in STEM The Journal of Higher Education. 1-33
Stearns E, Bottia MC, Giersch J, et al. (2019) Do Relative Advantages in STEM Grades Explain the Gender Gap in Selection of a STEM Major in College? A Multimethod Answer American Educational Research Journal. 57: 218-257
Giersch J, Bottia MC, Stearns E, et al. (2019) The Predictive Role of School Performance Indicators on Students’ College Achievement: Educational Policy. 89590481985782
Bottia MC, Mickelson RA, Giersch J, et al. (2018) The role of high school racial composition and opportunities to learn in students' STEM college participation Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 55: 446-473
Bottia MC, Stearns E, Mickelson RA, et al. (2018) Boosting the numbers of STEM majors? The role of high schools with a STEM program Science Education. 102: 85-107
Bottia MC. (2017) Latina Teachers: Creating Careers and Guarding Culture Social Forces. 96: 1-3
Giersch J, Bottia MC, Mickelson RA, et al. (2016) Exposure to school and classroom racial segregation in charlotte-mecklenburg high schools and students’ college achievement Education Policy Analysis Archives. 24: 1-28
Stearns E, Bottía MC, Davalos E, et al. (2016) Demographic characteristics of high school math and science teachers and girls' success in STEM Social Problems. 63: 87-110
Bottia MC, Moller S, Mickelson RA, et al. (2016) Teacher Collaboration and Latinos/as' Mathematics Achievement Trajectories. American Journal of Education. 122: 505-535
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