Iain Osgood

Political Science University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
International political economy
"Iain Osgood"
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Kim B, Osgood I. (2020) Pro-Trade Blocs in the US Congress The Forum. 17: 549-575
Osgood I, Simonelli C. (2020) Nowhere to Go: FDI, Terror, and Market-specific Assets: Journal of Conflict Resolution. 64: 1584-1611
Kim IS, Osgood I. (2019) Firms in Trade and Trade Politics Annual Review of Political Science. 22: 399-417
Lee J, Osgood I. (2019) Exports, jobs, growth! Congressional hearings on US trade agreements Economics and Politics. 31: 1-26
Kim IS, Milner HV, Bernauer T, et al. (2019) Firms and Global Value Chains: Identifying Firms Multidimensional Trade Preferences International Studies Quarterly. 63: 153-167
Osgood I. (2019) Vanguards of globalization: Organization and political action among America's pro-trade firms Business and Politics. 1-35
Baccini L, Osgood I, Weymouth S. (2019) The service economy: U.S. trade coalitions in an era of deindustrialization Review of International Organizations. 14: 261-296
Osgood I. (2018) Globalizing the Supply Chain: Firm and Industrial Support for US Trade Agreements International Organization. 72: 455-484
Spilker G, Bernauer T, Kim IS, et al. (2018) Trade at the margin: Estimating the economic implications of preferential trade agreements Review of International Organizations. 13: 189-242
Osgood I, Feng Y. (2018) Intellectual property provisions and support for US trade agreements Review of International Organizations. 13: 421-455
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