
A total of 238 users have added data to Primatology Tree. Of these, 20 have added at least 5 people:
pq 113 135
doc_fr 47 48
laisbell 45 46
lbrent 25 28
pwaser 22 24
hayden 20 25
OneHealth 16 25
johnoates1 15 10
FilippoAureli 14 16
david 8 11
jdpolk 8 4
RichKay 8 11
lzbby 7 7
MFerreiradaSilva80 7 6
bjmccowan 7 8
cgault 6 7
dubucc 6 10
mbenitez85 6 7
lmartinezinigo 6 8
rcomalley 5 5
Total 715 986