
Harvard University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Stuart Altmann1960 Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student)
Margaret C. Crofoot2008 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Irven DeVorePrimatology
Alexander V. GeorgievPrimate behavioral ecology and physiology Human Evolutionary Biology20052012 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Ian C. Gilbycooperation, food sharing, behavioral ecology20052009 Richard Wrangham (post-doc)
Brian Harebiological anthropology, comparative psychology Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Marc David Hauserevolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy Irven DeVore (grad student)
Mark Leighton
Zarin P. Machandachimpanzee behavioral ecology2009 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Andrew J. Marshall2004 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Katherine McAuliffeBehavioral Ecology, Animal Cognition, Evolution of Cooperation Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Brenda McCowanSocial communication, social network analyses, health outcomes, animal welfare, conservation, ecology of infectious disease Richard Wrangham (grad student)
herman Pontzerbiomechanics, primatology, human evolution20012006 Daniel E. Lieberman (grad student)
Peter S. RodmanEcology, Behavior Irven DeVore (grad student)
Laurie SantosNeuroeconomics2003 Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Sherwood Larned WashburnPrimatology Earnest Albert Hooton (grad student)
Patricia Whittenbehavioral neuroendocrinology, reproduction, primates1978 Irven DeVore (grad student)
Michael L. Wilsonprimate behavior and ecology, aggression, warfare, chimpanzees, baboons19942001 Richard Wrangham (grad student), Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Richard WranghamAnthropology
Robert Mearns YerkesPrimatology18971902 Hugo Münsterberg (grad student)