Sara K. Martin, Ph.D.

Anthropology Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States 
"Sara Martin"


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Pat Wright grad student 2011 SUNY Stony Brook
 (Behavioral and environmental correlates of parasite burden in Eulemur cinereiceps from southeastern Madagascar.)
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Sanchez JL, Johns MC, Burke RL, et al. (2011) Capacity-building efforts by the AFHSC-GEIS program. Bmc Public Health. 11: S4
Mittermeier RA, Wallis J, Rylands AB, et al. (2009) Primates in Peril: The World's 25 most endangered primates 20082010 Primate Conservation. 24: 1-57
Mittermeier RA, Wallis J, Rylands AB, et al. (2009) Primates in Peril: The World's 25 most endangered primates 20082010 Primate Conservation. 24: 1-57
Kamilar JM, Martin SK, Tosi AJ. (2009) Combining biogeographic and phylogenetic data to examine primate speciation: An example using cercopithecin monkeys Biotropica. 41: 514-519
Johnson SE, Lei R, Martin SK, et al. (2008) Does Eulemur cinereiceps exist? Preliminary evidence from genetics and ground surveys in southeastern Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology. 70: 372-85
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