Richard F. Kay, Ph.D.

Evolutionary Anthropology Duke University, Durham, NC 
"Richard Kay"


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Elwyn L. Simons grad student 1973 Duke (Marine Ecology Tree)


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Kari Allen grad student Duke
Herbert Covert grad student Duke (Anthropology Tree)
Lauren Gonzales grad student Duke (Evolution Tree)
Richard H. Madden grad student Duke
J Michael Plavcan grad student Duke (Anthropology Tree)
Brian Shea grad student Duke (Anatomy Tree)
Jackson Spradley grad student Duke
Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra grad student 1993-1998 Duke (Evolution Tree)
E. C. Kirk grad student 2003 Duke
Jonathan M. Perry grad student 2008 Duke
Terence R. Mitchell grad student 2009 Duke
Michael D. Malinzak grad student 2010 Duke
James D. Pampush post-doc Duke
JGM Thewissen post-doc Duke
Paul E. Morse post-doc 2017- Duke (Marine Ecology Tree)
Siobhan B. Cooke post-doc 2010-2012 Duke
Peter S. Ungar research scientist Duke Medical School (Anthropology Tree)


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M. Susanna Bargo collaborator Museo de la Plata
Matt Cartmill collaborator (Anthropology Tree)
John G. Fleagle collaborator
Callum F. Ross collaborator Chicago (Neurotree)
Sergio Vizcaino collaborator Museo de la Plata
Blythe A. Williams collaborator
BETA: Related publications


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Pampush JD, Morse PE, Kay RF. (2024) Dental sculpting and compensatory shearing crests demonstrated in a Wear series of Presbytis rubicunda (Cercopithecoidea, Colobidae) with dental topography analysis. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. e24953
Morse PE, Pampush JD, Kay RF. (2023) Dental topography of the Oligocene anthropoids Aegyptopithecus zeuxis and Apidium phiomense: Paleodietary insights from analysis of wear series. Journal of Human Evolution. 180: 103387
Li P, Morse PE, Kay RF. (2020) Dental topographic change with macrowear and dietary inference in Homunculus patagonicus. Journal of Human Evolution. 144: 102786
Simons EL, Kay RF. (2020) New material of Qatrania from Egypt with comments on the phylogenetic position of the parapithecidae (primates, Anthropoidea). American Journal of Primatology. 15: 337-347
Rodríguez-Gómez G, Cassini GH, Palmqvist P, et al. (2020) Testing the hypothesis of an impoverished predator guild in the Early Miocene ecosystems of Patagonia: An analysis of meat availability and competition intensity among carnivores Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 554: 109805-109805
Valenta K, Daegling DJ, Nevo O, et al. (2020) Fruit Selectivity in Anthropoid Primates: Size Matters International Journal of Primatology. 41: 525-537
Kay RF, Gonzales LA, Salenbien W, et al. (2019) Parvimico materdei gen. et sp. nov.: A new platyrrhine from the Early Miocene of the Amazon Basin, Peru. Journal of Human Evolution. 134: 102628
Plavcan JM, Ward CV, Kay RF, et al. (2019) A diminutive Pliocene guenon from Kanapoi, West Turkana, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution. 102623
Bhandari A, Kay RF, Williams BA, et al. (2019) Correction: First record of the Miocene hominoid Sivapithecus from Kutch, Gujarat state, western India. Plos One. 14: e0217960
Pampush JD, Crowell J, Karme A, et al. (2019) Technical note: Comparing dental topography software using platyrrhine molars. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
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