Sign in to add mentorRichard F. Kay | grad student | 2003 | Duke | |
(Evolution of the primate visual system.) |
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Kirk EC, Dunn RH, Rodwell B, et al. (2023) New specimens of middle Eocene omomyines (Primates, Omomyoidea) from the Uinta Basin of Utah and the Tornillo Basin of Texas, with clarification of the generic status of Ourayia, Mytonius, and Diablomomys. Journal of Human Evolution. 183: 103425 |
Atwater AL, Kirk EC. (2018) New middle Eocene omomyines (Primates, Haplorhini) from San Diego County, California. Journal of Human Evolution |
Muchlinski MN, Kirk EC. (2017) A comparative analysis of infraorbital foramen size in Paleogene euarchontans. Journal of Human Evolution. 105: 57-68 |
Russo GA, Kirk EC. (2017) Another look at the foramen magnum in bipedal mammals. Journal of Human Evolution. 105: 24-40 |
Boyer DM, Kirk EC, Silcox MT, et al. (2016) Internal carotid arterial canal size and scaling in Euarchonta: Re-assessing implications for arterial patency and phylogenetic relationships in early fossil primates. Journal of Human Evolution. 97: 123-44 |
Williams BA, Kay RF, Kirk EC. (2010) New perspectives on anthropoid origins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 4797-804 |
Williams BA, Kay RF, Kirk EC, et al. (2010) Darwinius masillae is a strepsirrhine--a reply to Franzen et al. (2009). Journal of Human Evolution. 59: 567-73; discussion 5 |
Kirk EC, Cartmill M, Kay RF, et al. (2003) Comment on "Grasping primate origins". Science (New York, N.Y.). 300: 741; author reply 74 |
Kirk EC, Simons EL. (2001) Diets of fossil primates from the Fayum Depression of Egypt: a quantitative analysis of molar shearing. Journal of Human Evolution. 40: 203-29 |
Kay RF, Kirk EC. (2000) Osteological evidence for the evolution of activity pattern and visual acuity in primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 113: 235-62 |