Jacinta Beehner
Affiliations: | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
Biopsychology, Endocrinology, PrimatologyGoogle:
"Jacinta Beehner"Cross-listing: Neurotree - PsychTree - MichiganTree
Sign in to add mentorJeanne Altmann | post-doc | Princeton | |
Dorothy Cheney | post-doc | Penn | |
Robert M. Seyfarth | post-doc | Penn |
Sign in to add traineeMarcela E Benitez | grad student | University of Michiga | |
Eila K. Roberts | grad student | University of Michigan (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorThore Bergman | collaborator | University of Michigan (Neurotree) |
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Lucore JM, Beehner JC, White AF, et al. (2024) High temperatures are associated with decreased immune system performance in a wild primate. Science Advances. 10: eadq6629 |
Lerch BA, Zipple MN, Gesquiere LR, et al. (2024) Male-mediated early maturation unlikely to evolve via adaptive evolution. Animal Behaviour. 214: 219-240 |
Bergman TJ, Beehner JC. (2023) Information Ecology: an integrative framework for studying animal behavior. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 38: 1041-1050 |
DeLacey PM, Sen S, Schneider-Crease IA, et al. (2023) Vascularization underlies differences in sexually selected skin coloration in a wild primate. Molecular Ecology |
Schneider-Crease IA, Feder JA, Baniel A, et al. (2022) Urinary neopterin reflects immunological variation associated with age, helminth parasitism, and the microbiome in a wild primate. Scientific Reports. 12: 21307 |
Schneider-Crease IA, Chiou KL, Moya IL, et al. (2022) A novel statovirus identified in fecal samples from wild geladas in the Ethiopian highlands. Archives of Virology |
Sen S, Carrera SC, Heistermann M, et al. (2022) Social correlates of androgen levels and dispersal age in juvenile male geladas. Hormones and Behavior. 146: 105264 |
Baniel A, Petrullo L, Mercer A, et al. (2022) Maternal effects on early-life gut microbiota maturation in a wild nonhuman primate. Current Biology : Cb |
Beehner JC, Alfaro J, Allen C, et al. (2022) Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 114109 |
Feder JA, Beehner JC, Baniel A, et al. (2022) Social drivers of maturation age in female geladas. Behavioral Ecology : Official Journal of the International Society For Behavioral Ecology. 33: 654-664 |