Jean Prud'homme
Affiliations: | Anthropology | Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada |
"Jean Prud'homme"Cross-listing: Anthropology Tree
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Chapais B, Gauthier C, Prud'homme J, et al. (1997) Relatedness threshold for nepotism in Japanese macaques Animal Behaviour. 53: 1089-1101 |
Prud'homme J, Chapais B. (1996) Development of intervention behavior in Japanese macaques: Testing the targeting hypothesis International Journal of Primatology. 17: 429-443 |
Chapais B, Gauthier C, Prud'homme J. (1995) Dominance competition through affiliation and support in Japanese macaques: An experimental study International Journal of Primatology. 16: 521-536 |
Chapais B, Prud'Homme J, Teijeiro S. (1994) Dominance competition among siblings in Japanese macaques: Constraints on nepotism Animal Behaviour. 48: 1335-1347 |
Prud'Homme J, Chapais B. (1993) Aggressive interventions and matrilineal dominance relations in semifree-ranging barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) Primates. 34: 271-283 |
Prud'homme J, Chapais B. (1993) Rank relations among sisters in semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) International Journal of Primatology. 14: 405-420 |
Prud'Homme J. (1991) Group fission in a semifree-ranging population of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) Primates. 32: 9-22 |