Josie V. Vayro

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 
Female mate choice, colobus vellerosus, endocrinology,
"Josie Vayro"
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Vayro JV, Fedigan LM, Ziegler TE, et al. (2016) Hormonal correlates of life history characteristics in wild female Colobus vellerosus. Primates; Journal of Primatology
Bădescu I, Wikberg EC, MacDonald LJ, et al. (2016) Infanticide pressure accelerates infant development in a wild primate Animal Behaviour. 114: 231-239
Sicotte P, Teichroeb JA, Vayro JV, et al. (2015) The influence of male takeovers on female dispersal in Colobus vellerosus. American Journal of Primatology
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