Patrick O. Onyango
Affiliations: | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ |
"Patrick Onyango"Cross-listing: Animal Behavior Tree
Sign in to add mentorJeanne Altmann | grad student | 2011 | Princeton | |
(Balance of investment between parental care and mating effort in male baboons.) |
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Akinyi MY, Gesquiere LR, Franz M, et al. (2017) Hormonal correlates of natal dispersal and rank attainment in wild male baboons. Hormones and Behavior |
Onyango PO, Gesquiere LR, Altmann J, et al. (2013) Puberty and dispersal in a wild primate population. Hormones and Behavior. 64: 240-9 |
Onyango PO, Gesquiere LR, Altmann J, et al. (2013) Testosterone positively associated with both male mating effort and paternal behavior in Savanna baboons (Papio cynocephalus). Hormones and Behavior. 63: 430-6 |
Gesquiere LR, Learn NH, Simao MC, et al. (2011) Life at the top: rank and stress in wild male baboons. Science (New York, N.Y.). 333: 357-60 |
Gesquiere LR, Onyango PO, Alberts SC, et al. (2011) Endocrinology of year-round reproduction in a highly seasonal habitat: environmental variability in testosterone and glucocorticoids in baboon males. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 144: 169-76 |
Altmann J, Gesquiere L, Galbany J, et al. (2010) Life history context of reproductive aging in a wild primate model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1204: 127-38 |
Onyango PO, Gesquiere LR, Wango EO, et al. (2008) Persistence of maternal effects in baboons: Mother's dominance rank at son's conception predicts stress hormone levels in subadult males. Hormones and Behavior. 54: 319-24 |