Peter S. Rodman, Ph.D.

Anthropology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Ecology, Behavior
"Peter Rodman"


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John Cant grad student UC Davis
J Larry Dew grad student UC Davis
Michael Ghiglieri grad student UC Davis
Lynne A. Isbell grad student UC Davis
Craig Kirkpatrick grad student UC Davis
Mark Leighton grad student UC Davis
Moreen Libet grad student UC Davis
Barita Manullang grad student UC Davis
Lynne Miller grad student UC Davis
John Mitani grad student UC Davis
Ryne Palombit grad student UC Davis
Drew Rendall grad student UC Davis
Joan B. Silk grad student UC Davis
Joseph Skorupa grad student UC Davis
Meredith F. Small grad student UC Davis
Leslie Digby grad student 1994 Duke
Anthony Di Fiore grad student 1990-1997 UC Davis
Joseph L. Dew grad student 2001 UC Davis
Chelsea Kostrub grad student 2003 UC Davis
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Fiore AD, Rodman PS. (2001) Time allocation patterns of lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in a neotropical Terra Firma forest International Journal of Primatology. 22: 449-480
Rendall D, Owren MJ, Rodman PS. (1998) The role of vocal tract filtering in identity cueing in rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) vocalizations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 103: 602-14
Hrdy SB, Rodman P, Charnov EL, et al. (1996) Sociobiology's Successes. Science (New York, N.Y.). 274: 162-3
Rendall D, Rodman PS, Emond RE. (1996) Vocal recognition of individuals and kin in free-ranging rhesus monkeys Animal Behaviour. 51: 1007-1015
Hrdy SB, Rodman P, Charnov EL, et al. (1996) Sociobiology's successes [3] Science. 274: 162-163
Grether GF, Palombit RA, Rodman PS. (1992) Gibbon foraging decisions and the marginal value model International Journal of Primatology. 13: 1-17
Mitani JC, Grether GF, Rodman PS, et al. (1991) Association among wild orang-utans: sociality, passive aggregations or chance? Animal Behaviour. 42: 33-46
Samuels A, Silk JB, Rodman PS. (1984) Changes in the dominance rank and reproductive behaviour of male bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) Animal Behaviour. 32: 994-1003
Small MF, Rodman PS. (1981) Primigravidity and infant loss in bonnet macaques. Journal of Medical Primatology. 10: 164-9
Silk JB, Samuels A, Rodman PS. (1981) The influence of kinship, rank, and sex on affiliation and aggression between adult female and immature bonnet macaques ( Macaca radiata). Behaviour. 78: 111-137
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