Steven P. Wise

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, United States 
cognitive neurophysiology
"Steven Wise"
Cross-listing: Neurotree - Animal Behavior Tree - Evolution Tree - PsychTree


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Edward G. Jones grad student 1974-1977 Washington University (Neurotree)
Edward Vaughan Evarts post-doc 1978-1983 NIMH (Neurotree)


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Ethan R. Buch research assistant 2002-2005 NIMH (Neurotree)
Timothy M. Barth post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Driss Boussaoud post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Lewis Longteng Chen post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Aldo Genovesio post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Jerald D. Kralik post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Kiyoshi Kurata post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Sohie M. Lee post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Adam C. Messinger post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Bettina Osborn post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Giuseppe di Pellegrino post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Satoshi Tsujimoto post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Ilsun M. White post-doc NIMH (Neurotree)
Nanhui Chen post-doc 1998-2000 NIMH
Mikhail A. Lebedev post-doc 1997-2002 NIMH (Neurotree)


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Timothy J. Bussey collaborator NIMH (Neurotree)
Leonardo G. Cohen collaborator NIMH (Neurotree)
John P. Donoghue collaborator NIMH (Neurotree)
Elisabeth A. Murray collaborator NIMH (Neurotree)
Peter Rudebeck collaborator NIMH (Neurotree)
Eilon Vaadia collaborator NIMH (Neurotree)
Steve W C Chang collaborator 2004-2009 NIH/NIMH (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Pine DS, Wise SP, Murray EA. (2021) Evolution, Emotion, and Episodic Engagement. The American Journal of Psychiatry. appiajp202020081187
Messinger A, Cirillo R, Wise SP, et al. (2021) Separable neuronal contributions to covertly attended locations and movement goals in macaque frontal cortex. Science Advances. 7
Murray EA, Wise SP, Graham KS. (2017) Representational specializations of the hippocampus in phylogenetic perspective. Neuroscience Letters
Genovesio A, Seitz LK, Tsujimoto S, et al. (2015) Context-Dependent Duration Signals in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Genovesio A, Cirillo R, Tsujimoto S, et al. (2015) Automatic comparison of stimulus durations in the primate prefrontal cortex: the neural basis of across-task interference. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114: 48-56
Genovesio A, Tsujimoto S, Navarra G, et al. (2014) Autonomous encoding of irrelevant goals and outcomes by prefrontal cortex neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 1970-8
Genovesio A, Wise SP, Passingham RE. (2014) Prefrontal-parietal function: from foraging to foresight. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 18: 72-81
Murray EA, Wise SP. (2012) Why is there a special issue on perirhinal cortex in a journal called hippocampus? The perirhinal cortex in historical perspective. Hippocampus. 22: 1941-51
Tsujimoto S, Genovesio A, Wise SP. (2012) Neuronal activity during a cued strategy task: comparison of dorsolateral, orbital, and polar prefrontal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 11017-31
Genovesio A, Tsujimoto S, Wise SP. (2012) Encoding goals but not abstract magnitude in the primate prefrontal cortex. Neuron. 74: 656-62
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