Lanna J. Petterson

2015-2020 Psychology University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 
"Lanna Petterson"
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Heatlie LC, Petterson LJ, Vasey PL. (2023) Heterosexual Men's Visual Attention to Nude Images Depicting Cisgender Males, Cisgender Females, and Gynandromorphs. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Heatlie LC, Petterson LJ, Vasey PL. (2023) Heterosexual men's pupillary responses to stimuli depicting cisgender males, cisgender females, and gynandromorphs. Biological Psychology. 178: 108518
Petterson LJ, Vasey PL. (2022) Men's Sexual Interest in Feminine Trans Individuals across Cultures. Journal of Sex Research. 1-19
Petterson LJ, Vasey PL. (2021) Samoan Men's Sexual Attraction and Viewing Time Response to Male-to-Feminine Transgender and Cisgender Adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Petterson LJ, Vasey PL. (2021) Canadian undergraduate men's visual attention to cisgender women, cisgender men, and feminine trans individuals. Scientific Reports. 11: 388
Petterson LJ, Dixson BJ, Little AC, et al. (2020) Heterogeneity in the Sexual Orientations of Men Who Have Sex with Fa'afafine in Samoa. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 49: 517-529
Petterson LJ, Dixson BJ, Little AC, et al. (2018) Viewing Time and Self-Report Measures of Sexual Attraction in Samoan Cisgender and Transgender Androphilic Males. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Petterson LJ, VanderLaan DP, Persson TJ, et al. (2017) The Relationship Between Indicators of Depression and Anxiety and Sexual Orientation in Canadian Women. Archives of Sexual Behavior
VanderLaan DP, Petterson LJ, Vasey PL. (2016) Elevated Kin-Directed Altruism Emerges in Childhood and Is Linked to Feminine Gender Expression in Samoan Fa'afafine: A Retrospective Study. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Semenyna SW, Petterson LJ, VanderLaan DP, et al. (2016) A Comparison of the Reproductive Output Among the Relatives of Samoan Androphilic Fa'afafine and Gynephilic Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior
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