James D. Pampush

Duke University, Durham, NC 
"James Pampush"
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Pampush JD, Morse PE, Kay RF. (2024) Dental sculpting and compensatory shearing crests demonstrated in a Wear series of Presbytis rubicunda (Cercopithecoidea, Colobidae) with dental topography analysis. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. e24953
Morse PE, Pampush JD, Kay RF. (2023) Dental topography of the Oligocene anthropoids Aegyptopithecus zeuxis and Apidium phiomense: Paleodietary insights from analysis of wear series. Journal of Human Evolution. 180: 103387
Pampush JD, Crowell J, Karme A, et al. (2019) Technical note: Comparing dental topography software using platyrrhine molars. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Pampush JD, Spradley JP, Morse PE, et al. (2018) Adaptive wear-based changes in dental topography associated with atelid (Mammalia: Primates) diets Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 124: 584-606
Spradley JP, Pampush JD, Morse PE, et al. (2017) Smooth operator: The effects of different 3D mesh retriangulation protocols on the computation of Dirichlet normal energy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Pampush JD, Spradley JP, Morse PE, et al. (2016) Wear and its effects on dental topography measures in howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata). American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Pampush JD, Winchester JM, Morse PE, et al. (2016) Introducing molaR: a New R Package for Quantitative Topographic Analysis of Teeth (and Other Topographic Surfaces) Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 1-16
Morse PE, Daegling DJ, McGraw WS, et al. (2013) Dental wear among cercopithecid monkeys of the Taï forest, Côte d'Ivoire American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 150: 655-665
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