People with institution matching "New York University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Paulo B. Chaves (Info) NYU Primate Genetics and Behavior pbchaves 2013‑02‑20
Alex DeCasien (Info) NYU Anthropology ard329 2015‑11‑29
Kate Madeleine Detwiler (Info) Florida Atlantic University primate hybridization kdetwiler 2013‑04‑29
Anthony Di Fiore (Info) NYU, UT Austin Biological Anthropology, Zoology, Biology, Animal Behavior, Genetics laisbell 2012‑06‑15
Constance Dubuc (Info) NYU lbrent 2009‑12‑16
Jessica L Gunson (Info) NYU sexual selection, coloration, reproduction JessicaGunson 2021‑03‑22
Marc David Hauser (Info) Harvard evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior jgoleary 2005‑11‑03
James Higham (Info) NYU lbrent 2009‑12‑16
D Susie Lee (Info) NYU nyuprimatology 2014‑11‑17
Tara M. Mandalaywala (Info) Chicago pq 2015‑10‑20
Megan Petersdorf (Info) NYU nyuprimatology 2014‑11‑17
Rachel Petersen (Info) NYU nyuprimatology 2014‑11‑17
Michael L. Platt (Info) Duke, Penn hayden 2005‑01‑15
John D. Polk (Info) UIUC Functional Morphology, Gait, Bone Biology jdpolk 2015‑01‑15
Scott A. Williams (Info) NYU Functional Morphology jdpolk 2015‑01‑15
Sandra Winters (Info) NYU nyuprimatology 2014‑11‑17
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