Ohio State University, Columbus

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Russell H. Fazio (grad student)
Amelia AldaoEmotion Regulation
Earl A. Alluisi1954 John Ross Kinzer (grad student), Paul M. Fitts (post-doc)
Keith S. Apfelbaum
Robert M. Arkinsocial psychology Jerald M. Jellison (grad student)
James T. AustinGoals, performance, measurement
Judah Axe Behavior Analysis William L. Heward (grad student)
Mahzarin Rustum BanajiExperimental Psychology19801985 Anthony Greenwald (grad student)
Jamie C. Barden2005 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Melissa J BeersSocial Psychology, Teaching of Psychology, Introduction to Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology19901992 Richard Petty (research assistant), William von Hippel (research assistant), Sara M. Baker (research assistant)
Matthew Berent Psychology Jon Krosnick (grad student)
George Y. Bizer2001 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Nathaniel J. Blancocognition, decision-making, categorization, learning Psychology2016 Vladimir M. Sloutsky (post-doc)
Marilyn BoltzMusic cognition Mari Riess Jones (grad student)
Matthew D. Braslowsocial psychology Psychology2013 Robert M. Arkin (grad student)
Marilynn Brewer
Angela M. BrownInfant Vision and Color Vision
Ryan P. Brunner2009 Gifford Weary (grad student)
John P. BrunoNeuropsychopharmacology
LinChiat Chang2001 Jon Krosnick (grad student)
Jennifer S. Cheavenstreatment development, hope, human strengths and flourishing
Clara M. Cheng2006 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Arthur W. CombsClinical Psychology1945 Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student)
Jill M. Cyranowski19911997 Barbara L. Andersen (grad student)
Katherine M. Darwent Psychology2012 Gifford Weary (grad student)
Kenneth G. DeMarree2008 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Patricia DevinePrejudice, intergroup relations, social cognition Thomas Ostrom (grad student)
Scott A DuekerApplied Behavior Analysis, video prompting, special education, severe disabilities
Geoffrey R. Durso2018 Richard Petty (grad student)
Christina Dyar
John EdwardsAttitudes Thomas Ostrom (grad student)
Sara B. Elson2002 Jon Krosnick (grad student)
James R. Erickson
Lisa Evans Psychology1998 Richard Petty (grad student)
Jim FadelNeuropsychopharmacology19931998 Martin Sarter (grad student)
Paul Farnsworth
Russell H. FazioSocial Psychology; Attitudes Joel Cooper (grad student)
Donald FischerIndustrial/Organizational1980 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student)
Anna V. Fisher2005 Vladimir M. Sloutsky (grad student)
John Charles FlynnADD, psychopharmacology1962 Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student), George A. Kelly (grad student)
Laura K. Fonken Neuroscience Graduate Studies Program20092013 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Vibh Afton Forsythe Psychology2014 Jennifer S. Cheavens (grad student)
Wendi Gardner John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
Lance C GarmonPsychology, Developmental, Media, Moral Judgement, Attachment Psychology19902000 John C Gibbs (grad student)
Raymond T. Garza Joseph F. Rychlak (grad student)
Clelland R. GashSchizophrenia, ACh, Glutamate, PFC John P. Bruno (research assistant)
R. Thomas George
John C GibbsDevelopmental Psychology, Moral Development
Erica Glasper A Courtney DeVries (grad student)
Anthony Greenwald
Hairong Gu
Ingrid Johnsen Haaspolitical psychology, political neuroscience, social psychology, cognitive neuroscience Psychology20062012 William A. Cunningham (grad student)
Murat HancerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2001 R. Thomas George (grad student)
Ryan W. Hansenpositive psych, suicide
Robert A. Harperclinical psychology, marriage counseling1942 Walter Reckless (grad student)
Sara A. HartReading, development, behavioral genetics, mathematics 20052010 Stephen Petrill (grad student)
Curtis P. HaugtvedtConsumer Psychology, Attitude Change, Persuasion, Social Media, Technology, Innovation, Sustainability, Health, Diversity1988 Richard Petty (grad student)
Jasmeet Pannu HayesNeuropsychology, Emotions, Memory, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Concussion, Neuroimaging
Jane Eillen Heiy Psychology2014 Jennifer S. Cheavens (grad student)
Anthony D. Hermannsocial psychology2002 Robert M. Arkin (grad student)
Emily A HerrySocial devopment, gender identity, College of Nursing2023 Christina Dyar (post-doc)
James G HillmanBelonging, Social Validation, Psychology Richard Petty (post-doc)
Lucas Hinsenkamp Psychology2018 Richard Petty (grad student)
Allyson L. Holbrook2002 Jon Krosnick (grad student)
Yoolim Hong2013 Andrew B. Leber (grad student)
Erica Howard Psychology2021 Jasmeet Pannu Hayes (grad student)
Marsha M. HuberGeneral Business Administration2003 R. Thomas George (grad student)
Carl R. Inglingvisual psychophysics
Tiffany A. ItoSocial Neuroscience John T. Cacioppo (post-doc)
Richard Jagacinski
India R. Johnson Psychology Psychology2012 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Camille S. Johnsonsocial psychology2005 Robert M. Arkin (grad student)
Jonte Lamar JonesGlutumate, Dorsal Striatum, Attention20102011 Derick H. Lindquist (research assistant)
Mari Riess JonesTiming and rhythm in attention and memory
R. Stewart JonesEducational Psychology1954 Sidney L. Pressey (grad student)
Rebecca Frances Kemper Shoshanah B.D. Goldberg-Miller (research assistant)
Cheongtag Kim1998 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student)
Steven G. Kinseyendocannabinoid system, stress, pain20072007 David A. Padgett (grad student), Randy J. Nelson (grad student), Michael T Bailey (post-doc)
Heidi Kloos Vladimir M. Sloutsky (post-doc)
Eunjee KoSocial Psychology, Social Neuroscience
Kurt KraigerOrganizational Psychology Robert S. Billings (grad student)
Kathryn M. Kroeper The Department of Psychology The Department of Psychology2020 Steven J. Spencer (post-doc), Kentaro Fujita (post-doc)
Peter D Kvamcognitive modeling, decision making, mathematical psychology Psychology20182019 Brandon M. Turner (post-doc)
Jessica L. Lakinsocial psychology2003 Robert M. Arkin (grad student)
Jeff T. Larsen2001 Richard Petty (grad student), John T. Cacioppo (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Phillipe Reed Lawson
Soonmook Lee1985 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student)
Taehun LeeQuantitative Psychology2010 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student)
Dasom LeeSociomoral Development, Cross-Cultural Development Psychology2015 John C Gibbs (grad student)
Geoffrey J. Leonardelli2002 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Derick H. LindquistBehavioral Neuroscience/Cognition/Emotion
Brianne Linne Food Science Christopher Simons (grad student)
James H. Liu Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Christopher A. Loersch2009 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Andrew LuttrellAttitudes, Persuasion Psychology20102016 Richard Petty (grad student)
William W. Maddux2004 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
David Marlowe1959 Alvin Scodel (grad student)
Kerry L. Marsh Gifford Weary (grad student)
Richard M. McFall George A. Kelly (grad student)
Patricia MeyerRecovery of Function
Walter Mischel1956 Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student), George A. Kelly (grad student)
Aubrey M Moeschizophrenia, cognition, social cognition, early intervention
Jena Moody Psychology2019 Jasmeet Pannu Hayes (grad student)
John S. MorrisBehavioral Endocrinology Psychology20092013 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Samantha Mowrerjudgment and decision making2007 William A. Cunningham (grad student)
William Narhi-MartinezPsychology, cognition, attention, vision, perception Psychology Psychology Psychology Julie D. Golomb (grad student), Andrew B. Leber (collaborator), Blaire Dube (collaborator)
T. Ernest NewlandBlind Learning Aptitude Test (BLAT)1931 Sidney L. Pressey (grad student)
Vyacheslav Nikitinknowledge acquisition Vladimir M. Sloutsky (grad student)
Merrill Noble
J Farley NormanVision, Haptics, 3-D shape perception James Thames Todd (post-doc)
Greg J. NormanSocial Neuroscience, Psychophysiology20072010 Gary G. Berntson (research assistant), A Courtney DeVries (grad student), James C. Walton (collaborator)
Thomas O'ConnellScene perception20112013 Dirk B. Walther (research assistant)
Allison O'Learycognitive development Vladimir M. Sloutsky (grad student)
John E. Opferconcepts, learning, higher-level cognition
Thomas Ostrom
Dominic PackerRelationships between people, identity & Cognition Psychology Psychology20072008 Marilynn Brewer (post-doc), William A. Cunningham (post-doc)
Vinay V. ParikhNeuroscience/Neuropsychopharmacology John P. Bruno (post-doc)
George A ParksCollege Drinking, Relapse Prevention Therapy, Harm Reduction Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention, Brief Motivational Interventions, Criminal Recidivism Prevention, Psychology of Love, Lovingkindness Meditation
Donald G. Patersonindividual differences, testing, psychology Rudolph Pintner (grad student)
Joseph J. PearOperant behavior, shaping, CAPSI Psychology Phillipe Reed Lawson (grad student)
Richard Petty Psychology Timothy Brock (grad student), Anthony Greenwald (grad student), Robert B. Cialdini (research assistant)
Peter Q. PfordresherAuditory perception and action19972001 Caroline Palmer (grad student), Mari Riess Jones (grad student), David Temperley (collaborator)
Henry Leland, Ph.D.
David Hammer, Ph.D.
E. Jerry Phares1955 Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Kathleen P. Pierce2006 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Evava S. Pietri Psychology2013 Russell H. Fazio (grad student)
Lauren N PinoSocial Development, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Cognitive Development, Sociocognitive Development Psychology2016 John C Gibbs (grad student)
Gabrielle PolisenoSociomorla Development Psychology20172018 John C Gibbs (grad student)
Kristopher J. PreacherQuantitative Psychology19982003 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student)
Brian J. PrendergastBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Seasonality, Circadian biology, Psychoneuroimmunology19992003 Randy J. Nelson (post-doc)
Sidney L. Presseyeducational psychology
Sarah Prieto Psychology2019 Jasmeet Pannu Hayes (grad student)
John Pryor Thomas Ostrom (post-doc)
Walter Reckless
Darcy A. Reich2000 Gifford Weary (grad student)
L. Starling Reidmemory Delos D. Wickens (grad student)
Steven Reiss
Salomon Rettig
Matthew D. RocklageAttitudes, automaticity, interpersonal perception
Carl Ransom RogersPsychology, Counseling, Psychotherapy
Julian Bernard Rottersocial learning theory
Derek D. Rucker2005 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Lana J. Ruckssocial psychology2008 Robert M. Arkin (grad student)
Michael J. Rulon Psychology James R. Erickson (grad student)
Micah L. RuthMathematical Psychology
Joseph F. Rychlak Psychology Psychology Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student), Paul Mussen (grad student), George A. Kelly (grad student)
Nicole Saltiel2022 Jasmeet Pannu Hayes (grad student)
Deborah Lynne SanedaPost-Traumatic Amnesia; Social Awareness in Developmentally Delayed Childre Psychology Psychology19841988 Henry Leland, Ph.D. (grad student), David Hammer, Ph.D. (grad student)
Theodore R. Sarbinpsychology and criminology1941 Jacob Robert Kantor (grad student)
Tadamasa SawadaVision Science Department of Psychology20132014 Alexander A. Petrov (post-doc)
John R. Schuck1958 Donald R. Meyer (grad student)
J. Conrad Schwarz1963 Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Andrew I. Schwebel
Alvin Scodel
Amanda L. Scott2005 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Lee Sechrest1956 George A. Kelly (grad student)
Constantine Sedikides Thomas Ostrom (grad student)
Richard J. Shakarchi2002 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Natalie J. Shook Russell H. Fazio (grad student)
Brittany L. Shoots-Reinhard Psychology Psychology2012 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Michael D. Silver2001 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Christopher Simons
Vladimir M. Sloutsky
Stephen K. Smithmemory, language, computational models, embodied cognition2010 Simon Dennis (grad student)
William U. Snyder1943 Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student)
Gary E. Starr1996 Mark A. Pitt (grad student)
Claude Steele Thomas Ostrom (grad student)
Joseph DW Stephensmemory, perception20062007 Mark A. Pitt (post-doc)
Brandon D. StewartSocial Psychology; Attitudes2007 Russell H. Fazio (grad student)
Suzannah J. Stonepsychotherapy process, psychotherapy outcome, alliance, therapist effects Psychology Daniel R. Strunk (research scientist)
Bonnie Ruth StricklandClinical psychology, Social psychology1962 Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Jacob Teeny Psychology2020 Richard Petty (grad student)
Zakary L. Tormala2003 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Ayman M. TunsiManagement Business Administration2000 R. Thomas George (grad student)
Forrest Tyler Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Brian R. Uldall2005 Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Kate Valerio Psychology2019 Jasmeet Pannu Hayes (grad student)
Trisha Van Zandtmathematical psychology Psychology Roger Ratcliff (post-doc), Hans Colonius (grad student)
Penny VisserAttitudes, Attitude strength, Persuasion Jon Krosnick (grad student)
Sarah A. Vunckdrug dicrimination, schizophrenia, fear conditioning, opiates2012 John P. Bruno (post-doc)
Benjamin C. Wagner Psychology Psychology2012 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Walter Bruce Walsh
David Alan Washburncomparative cognition Psychology Michael J. Rulon (grad student)
Norman F. Watt1962 Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Baldwin WayGenetics of Social Sensitivity Matthew Dylan Lieberman (post-doc)
Gifford Weary
Duane T. Wegener Psychology1994 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Arthur M. Wellington Sidney L. Pressey (grad student)
Gary Wells Anthony Greenwald (grad student)
Charles Wenar
Gerald WestheimerVisual psychophysics Optometry19511953 Glenn A. Fry (grad student), Paul M. Fitts (grad student)
S. Christian Wheeler2001 Richard Petty (grad student)
Aaron L. Wichman2005 Gifford Weary (grad student)
Kipling D. WilliamsSocial Psychology Psychology Bibb Latane (grad student)
Piotr Winkielmansocial, emotion,psychophysiology19971998 John T. Cacioppo (post-doc)
Amy WisniewskiSex differences19951999 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Nicholas F. Wright Psychology Psychology2014 Richard Petty (grad student), Richard E. Petty (grad student)
Mengran Xu Psychology2021 Richard Petty (grad student)
Xin YaoCognitive Development2006 Vladimir M. Sloutsky (grad student)
Keith YeatesPediatric neuropsychology
Hyungwook YimLearning mechanisms, Origins of knowledge, Cognitive development, Computational modeling Psychology Psychology Psychology20162016 Vladimir M. Sloutsky (grad student), Simon Dennis (grad student), Vladimir M. Sloutsky (post-doc)
Tianyu ZhangVisual Search, Cognitive Control Psychology2020 Andrew B. Leber (grad student)