Ohio University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Melissa J BeersSocial Psychology, Teaching of Psychology, Introduction to Psychology Psychology19921997 G Daniel Lassiter (grad student)
Kristoffer S. BerlinPediatric Psychology, Health Equity, Child Clinical Psychology, Quantitative Psychology, Health
James R. Caseboltreligion, social, pedagogy
Andrew L. Geers2001 G Daniel Lassiter (grad student)
Caroline Gooch
Katrina R. Hamilton Psychology20142019 Peggy M. Zoccola (grad student)
Ian M. Handleysocial cognition2003 G Daniel Lassiter (grad student)
Tao Lin
Danny R. Moates
Patrick J. Munhall2002 G Daniel Lassiter (grad student)
Stephen M. Patterson
Kimberly RiosGroups, Identity, Threat
Wendy A. Schwiegert Danny R. Moates (grad student)
J. Michael Snodgrass
Suzannah J. Stonepsychotherapy process, psychotherapy outcome, alliance, therapist effects
Lezlee J. Ware2009 G Daniel Lassiter (grad student)