University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Lara Beth Akninprosocial behavior, happiness, well-being Psychology20062012 Elizabeth W. Dunn (grad student)
Karen Auyeung Psychology Lynn Alden (grad student)
Carolyn BaerCognitive Development Psychology Psychology Psychology20152020 Darko Odic (grad student), J Kiley Hamlin (research assistant), Susan A. Birch (grad student)
Dayna Lee Baggley Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Cindy K Barha Liisa Galea (grad student)
Jeremy Biesanz
Charles D. Blaha19861989 Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Aenne A. Brielmann Miriam Spering (grad student)
Patricia Brosseau-LiardChild Development; Quantitative Methods Psychology20062012 Susan A. Birch (grad student)
Emma E. Buchtelcultural psychology, morality Psychology Psychology Psychology Steven J. Heine (grad student), Ara Norenzayan (grad student), Jeremy Biesanz (grad student)
Erin Buckels20102016 Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
Krista Byers-HeinleinLanguage acquisition, bilingualism20032010 Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Jennifer Campbell Psychology D. Geoffrey Hall (grad student)
Martha J. Capreolstress, coping, social support
Jasmine M. CareyIRT20072012 Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
Michael J ChandlerDevelopmental, Social & Personality
Lucian G. Conway2001 Mark Schaller (grad student)
Stanley CorenPerception
Michelle G. CraskeAnxiety1985 Stanley Jack Rachman (grad student)
Ilan Dar-NimrodSocial Psychology, Essentialism, Existential Psychology Steven J. Heine (grad student), Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Chris G. Davisstress & coping Psychology19891995 Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Anita DeLongisstress, coping, social support
Denitza Dramkin Psychology2016 Darko Odic (grad student)
Patrick Dubois20142018 Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
James T. EnnsVision19801984 William Prinzmetal (grad student), Joan S. Girgus (grad student)
Theresa Entringer20182019 Delroy Paulhus (post-doc)
Nichole FairbrotherCulture, 2002 Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Janel Fergusson Psychology Peter Graf (grad student)
Brian David Fishervisual cognition
Kara I. Gabrielrisk-taking, developmental psychopharmacology19932000 Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Liisa GaleaPsychology Victor Viau (collaborator)
Judit Gervainlanguage acquisition, developmental psychology, infant speech perception
Will Gervais2012 Ara Norenzayan (grad student), Mark Schaller (grad student)
Carolyn Cook Gotaycancer control, prevention, survivorship, behavior change, culture
Friedrich Götz
Peter Graf
Dale W GriffinJudgment and Decision Making
Yangyilin GuoCultural psychology, Geographical psychology, Personality Psychology Psychology2023 Steven J. Heine (grad student), Friedrich Götz (grad student)
D. Geoffrey Hall
J Kiley HamlinDevelopmental Psychology Karen Wynn (grad student)
Peter D. HarmsPersonality, Leadership19992001 Delroy Paulhus (research assistant)
Steven J. HeineCulture, Essentialism, Existentialism Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Gordon HeltzelMoral Psychology, Emotion, Evolution Psychology Psychology Jessica L. Tracy (grad student), Kristin Laurin (grad student)
Paul L. Hewitt
Susan Holtzman Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Lauren Human Jeremy Biesanz (grad student)
Will JettinghoffMoral cognition, technology, experimental philosophy, motivated reasoning Psychology Psychology20182025 Azim F. Shariff (grad student), Kristin Laurin (grad student)
Daniel Nelson Jonesdark personalities20082011 Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
Daniel Kahnemandecision making, behavioral economics
David King Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Aliye Kurtpersonality20022007 Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
Kostadin Kushlevhappiness, subjective well-being, computer-mediated communication, cyberpsychology, health psychology, social psychology Psychology Psychology20112015 Elizabeth W. Dunn (grad student), Toni Schmader (research assistant)
Mark Lam Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Kristin Laurin
Tiffany T-Y Lee2009 Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student)
Darrin R. LehmanCulture,
Kristan A. Marchak Psychology2017 D. Geoffrey Hall (grad student)
Sterett H. MercerSchool Psychology
Amori Y. Mikamiclinical psychology
Talia Morstead Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Michael Muthukrishna Psychology Psychology Psychology Mark Schaller (grad student), Steven J. Heine (grad student), Joseph Henrich (grad student)
Sarah J. Newthstress, coping, social support
Ara Norenzayan
Teresa B. O'Brienstress, coping, social support2000 Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Darko Odic
Lauren Ogilvie20112012 Afra Foroud (research assistant)
Delroy Paulhuspersonality
John PJ Pinelbiopsychology, epilepsy, kindling
Melady Preecestress, coping, social support2000 Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Stanley Jack RachmanOCD, Anxiety
Arthur S. Reber
Ronald Rensink19871990 James T. Enns (grad student), Robert J. Woodham (grad student), Anne Treisman (grad student)
Jelena RisticCognitive Neuroscience: Attention Psychology Alan F. Kingstone (grad student)
Andrew M. RiversSocial Cognition
Lynne Robinson Anita DeLongis (post-doc)
Matthew B RubyCulture, Food, Well-being Psychology Steven J. Heine (grad student)
Samuel P. RumakSchizophrenia, Clinical, EEG
Andrew G. RyderCultural-Clinical Psychology Steven J. Heine (grad student)
Mark Schaller
Toni Schmadersocial psychology
Azim F. Shariff2010 Ara Norenzayan (grad student)
David I. ShoreMultisensory Perception, Attention, eye tracking, eeg19931997 Vince Di Lollo (grad student)
Daniel Smilekvisual system, attention20022004 James T. Enns (post-doc)
Andra Smithcognitive impairment, neuroimaging Psychology1999 Robert D. Hare (grad student)
Janice Snyderattention Anjan Chatterjee (post-doc)
Jason S. Snyderadult neurogenesis, plasticity, behavior, stress, memory
Bryan W. SokolDevelopmental Psychology2005 Michael J Chandler (grad student)
Michael SouzaExecutive functions
Miriam Speringvisual psychophysics, eye movements, attention
Jennifer R St. Ongedecision making, mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuitry Stan Floresco (grad student)
Ellen Stephenson Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Colin Stopper Stan Floresco (grad student)
Maik C. Stüttgenrat whisker system, psychophysics, neurophysiology, choice behavior19991999 John PJ Pinel (research assistant)
Candace Taylorpersonality19962004 Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
Daniel J. Tobianskymedial preoptic area, drugs of addiction, sexual behavior, neurosteroid, steroidogenesis20152018 Kiran K. Soma (post-doc), Stan Floresco (post-doc)
Jessica L. Tracy
Paul Trapnellpersonality Psychology19992004 Jerry S. Wiggins (grad student), Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
Roger G. TweedCulture, 2000 Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Carol Varey Marketing19861991 Daniel Kahneman (grad student)
Jamie Veale Anita DeLongis (post-doc)
Sarah Victor Psychology E. David Klonsky (grad student)
Bradley W. Vinescognitive neuroscience, music, stroke rehabilitation, non-invasive brain stimulation - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)2008 Allan H. Young (post-doc)
Julia VogelDecision making for visual search. Statistical scene, object, and context understanding. Psychophysics of human scene perception.
Athena VouloumanosCognitive development, communication, speech, language2004 Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Lawrence McCue Wardpsychophysics, cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems theory
Paul Wehr Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Bryce WestlakeChild porn networkds Psychology Delroy Paulhus (research assistant)
Ashley Victoria Whillanssocial psychology; subjective well-being Psychology20122017 Elizabeth W. Dunn (grad student)
Katherine White2003 Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Jerry S. Wigginspersonality19521956 William K. Estes (grad student)
Kevin M. Williamsindividual differences psychology20002006 Delroy Paulhus (grad student)
Allan H. Youngthe causes and treatment of severe psychiatric disorders, particularly mood disorders
Jason Zheng Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Amy Zwicker Anita DeLongis (grad student)