University of Chicago

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Edward AwhPsychophysics, Attention
Donald BaerBehavior Analysis Jacob L. Gewirtz (grad student)
Michael E. Ballardbehavior, psychopharmacology, human neuroimaging, PET, fMRI, stimulants, cannabinoids, cognition, delay discounting, executive function, memory, emotional processing, working memory Neurobiology20082012 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Anam Barakzai Psychology2015 Alex Shaw (grad student)
Dale J. BarrPsycholinguistics Boaz Keysar (grad student)
Godfrey T Barrett-Lennard1959 Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student)
Emmett Earl Baughman1951 Donald Winslow Fiske (grad student)
William Clinton Beckwith Psychology1956 Howard F. Hunt (grad student)
Claire Augusta Bergeylanguage development, pragmatics, discourse, categorization Psychology Psychology20172023 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student), Daniel Yurovsky (grad student)
Bruno Bettelheim
Sidney J. BlattPsychopathology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis1957 Carl Ransom Rogers (post-doc)
Benjamin S. Bloom
Mark S. BlumbergDevelopmental behavioral neuroscience; developmental neurophysiology; sleep; sensorimotor integration Howard Moltz (grad student)
Horace Mann BondSocial, African American Education, Education, History, Sociology1928 Charles S. Johnson (grad student)
Sean P. BradleyIngestive Behavior, Neuroendocrinology, Biological Rhythms Psychology20062013 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
Lisa BrauerPsychopharmacology Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Jalisha M. Braxtondevelopment, cognition, math education, metacognition Psychology Psychology2016 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student), Sian L. Beilock (grad student)
Jessica Bregant Psychology20152018 Alex Shaw (grad student)
Aaron BrownsteinChoice, Operant Learning Melvin Marx (grad student)
Christopher BryanSocial psychology, psychological influence, the self, behavioral decision-making, psychology and policy, political psychology Greg Walton (post-doc)
Leslie BurtonNeuropsychology Jerre Levy (grad student)
Erin J. CableReproductive Behavior, Neuroendocrinology, Biological Rhythms2010 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
Harvey A. Carr1905 James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Rosalind Dymond CartwrightSleep, Dreaming, Psychotherapy Carl Ransom Rogers (post-doc)
Eliza Lincoln CongdonDevelopmental2010 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Clyde H. CoombsMathematical psychology19371940 Louis Leon Thurstone (grad student)
Sarah Keedy CooperNeurocognitive dysfunction and effects of antipsychotic medication; Top down/bottom up processes in psychoses; quantification of hallucination severity (CHAT)
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiDevelopmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Personality Psychology Education and Psychology19591965 Jacob W. Getzels (grad student)
Elmer CullerPsychology19151922 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Nancy Datan Committee on Human Development Bernice Neugarten (grad student)
John Deweyphilosophy, psychology George Sylvester Morris (grad student), Charles Sanders Peirce (grad student)
Rebecca B. DikowSystematic Biology Evolutionary Biology Evolutionary Biology2012 Lia J. Smith (grad student), W. Leo Smith (grad student)
Stephanie Dimitroff2013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Jennifer Dorfman
Linda A. DykstraPsychopharmacology & Addiction Lewis Stanford Seiden (grad student), James Appel (grad student)
Asia A. EatonAttitudes, Attitude strength, Persuasion2009 Penny Visser (grad student)
Sarah L. ElliottPsychophysics of color vision, spatial vision20102013 Steve Shevell (post-doc)
Robert L. FantzVisual Development of Children, Primates and Chicks Psychology1954 Eckhard Heinrich Hess (grad student)
Donald Winslow FiskePsychometrics
Raymond D. Fogelsonethnohistory
Daniel G. FreedmanPsychology, Human Ethology, Human Development
Frank Nugent Freeman
Susan E. Gans Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
David GarronNeuropsychology Bernice Neugarten (grad student)
Emily Gerdin Psychology20152017 Alex Shaw (research assistant)
Adam Raymond Gilliland Psychology1922 Frank Nugent Freeman (grad student)
Thomas Joseph GlanzSocial, Computer Mediated Communication, Stress, Loneliness, Internet20122013 Elizabeth A. Necka (collaborator)
Walter Charles GogelPerception1951 Eckhard Heinrich Hess (grad student)
Susan Goldin-MeadowGesture, sign language, cognitive development Steven L. Small (collaborator)
Thomas Gordon1949 Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student)
Harold O. Gulliksen1931 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
David L. Gutmanncross-cultural psychology, aging Committee on Human Development1958 Bernice Neugarten (grad student)
Jonathan Haidtmoral psychology, politics Alan Fiske (grad student)
Ward HalsteadNeuropsychology Heinrich Klüver (grad student), Paul Bucy (collaborator)
Carlee Beth Hawkinsimplicit social cognition, ideology, social identity
Anne S. HenlyPsycholinguistics2004 Boaz Keysar (grad student)
William Earl HenryPersonality
Charles Judson Herrick
Philip S. HolzmanSchizophrenia, psychoanalytic metapsychology and treatment
Sang W. HongVIsion2005 Steven Shevell (grad student)
Howard F. HuntPsychology
Janellen Huttenlocher
Janellen Huttenlocher
Margaret Hellie Huyck Committee on Human Development1970 Bernice Neugarten (grad student)
Jana M. IversonGesture, cognitive development, autism1996 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Charles S. Johnsonsociology
August Kampf-LassinVisual plasticity, Neuroendorinology, Biological Rhythms Psychology20062013 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
Jacob Robert KantorExperimental Psychology19141917 James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Spencer D. KellyGesture, psycholingustics1999 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Boaz KeysarPsycholinguistics
Hannah Kim Psychology2017 Alex Shaw (grad student)
Katherine D. Kinzler
Harry Dexter KitsonThe Psychology of Vocational Adjustment James Rowland Angell (grad student)
David KrechPsychology Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student)
Jennifer T. KubotaSocial Neuroscience
Koen Lamberts Psychology Lawrence Barsalou (grad student)
Mitchell Landers Alex Shaw (grad student)
Eve A. LeBartonGesture, developmental psycholinguistics Psychology2010 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Shiri Lev-AriPsycholinguistics Psychology2010 Boaz Keysar (grad student)
Susan Cohen Levinecognitive development
Lindsey C. LevitanAttitudes, Attitude strength, Persuasion2007 Penny Visser (grad student)
Jerre LevyNeuropsychology of cortical asymmetry
Zoe Libermandevelopmental psychology20112017 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student), Katherine D. Kinzler (grad student)
Alysson E. LightSelf-concept, Self-regulation, Goals Psychology20102013 Penny Visser (grad student), Kimberly Rios (grad student)
Siok-Hong LimPsycholinguistics2006 Boaz Keysar (grad student)
Yilin LiuDevelopmental Psychology Human Development Psychology Psychology Margaret B. Spencer (research scientist), Fan Yang (grad student), Jean Decety (collaborator)
Stella F. Lourencospatial cognition, quantitative reasoning2006 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Barbara J. Lukarepresentation of knowledge, especially linguistic knowledge1999 John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
James S. MagnusonPsycholinguistics19901993 Howard Charles Nusbaum (research assistant), Gerd Gigerenzer (research assistant)
Tara M. Mandalaywala Comparative Human Development2014 Dario Maestripieri (grad student)
Heather Harden MangelsdorfGesture, Emotion, Cognition, Dance Psychology Psychology20132018 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student), Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Melvin Marx Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Dudley McGlynn M. M. Nawas (grad student)
patrick monnierVision Steven Shevell (post-doc), Steve Shevell (post-doc)
John S. MorrisBehavioral Endocrinology2013 Greg J. Norman (post-doc)
Benjamin Morris Alex Shaw (grad student)
Alan MusicantHearing research Robert A. Butler (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Neckasocial psychology, loneliness, social networks Psychology20112016 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Bernice NeugartenPsychology of Aging1943 Robert James Havighurst (grad student)
Greg J. NormanSocial Neuroscience, Psychophysiology20102012 John T. Cacioppo (post-doc)
Elissa PattersonBiological Psychology20032008 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Matthew M. PattonAttitudes, Attitude strength, Persuasion2008 Penny Visser (grad student)
Brian J. PrendergastBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Seasonality, Circadian biology, Psychoneuroimmunology2006 Leslie M. Kay (collaborator)
Karl H. PribramPsychology, frontal lobe Percival Bailey (grad student)
Shannon M. PrudenDevelopmental Science20072010 Susan Cohen Levine (post-doc)
Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown
Ralph M. ReitanNeuropsychology19451950 Ward Halstead (grad student), Louis Leon Thurstone (grad student)
Laura North RicePsychotherapy Process1955 Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student)
Charles Samuel Robinson
Carl Ransom RogersPsychology, Counseling, Psychotherapy
Linda Rueckertneuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience Jerre Levy (grad student)
John Paul Scott1935 Sewall Wright (grad student)
Lewis Stanford SeidenPsychopharmacology1962 John Leonard Westley (grad student)
Ibrahim SenayPsycholinguistics2006 Boaz Keysar (grad student)
Alex Shaw
Steven ShevellVIsion
Elizabeth C. ShockleyPolitical psychology, Racial identity Psychology20112013 Penny Visser (grad student), Kimberly Rios (grad student)
Melvin Leslie Silberman Philip W. Jackson (grad student)
Lia J. SmithPTSD, Substance Use, Health Disparities Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience2013 Andrea C. King (collaborator)
Sharon Song
Lisa Sorensenpediatric neuropsychology Jerre Levy (grad student)
Rebecca L. StClairAttention, Motion, Tracking20052007 Steve Shevell (research assistant)
Catherine Stevenson
Samuel SuttonPsychophysiology, William Dewey Neff (grad student)
Calvin W. TaylorCreativity, Factor Analysis Louis Leon Thurstone (grad student)
L. Eugene Thomas Committee on Human Development1968 Bernice Neugarten (grad student)
Louis Leon Thurstone19141917 Walter V. Bingham (grad student), Mariano Yela (collaborator), James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Amrisha Vaish2006 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student)
James VanderMeerPsycholinguistics Psychology2013 Boaz Keysar (grad student)
Katie VasquezDevelopmental psychology, Moral psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2021 Alex Shaw (grad student)
Penny VisserAttitudes, Attitude strength, Persuasion
Harold C. Voris1929 Charles Judson Herrick (grad student)
Susan W. Wagner Cook2006 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
John B. WatsonBehaviorism James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Naomi WeissteinFeminist Psychology, Vision, Neuroscience
So C. Wing CheeGesture, bilingualism2007 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Shali WuPsycholinguistics2007 Boaz Keysar (grad student)
Fan Yang
Shirley Yen
Xuan Zhao Booth School of Business2017 Nicholas Epley (post-doc)