Columbia University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Lauren J. Aguilar Psychology2011 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Carmela AlcantaraClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies School of Social Work20042010 Joseph P. Gone (grad student)
Daniel R. Ames
Vanessa T. Anderson2008 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Heinz L. Ansbacher19321937 Alfred Adler (collaborator), Robert Sessions Woodworth (grad student), Alfred Adler (research assistant)
Joseph J. AntonitisBehavior Analysis William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Andrea B. Archibald2000 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Solomon E. Aschgestalt psychology, conformity1932 Gardner Murphy (grad student)
Howard BakerExperimental Psychology Clarence Graham (grad student)
Rita G. Barajas TC: Developmental Psychology2011 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
A M. Barrettspatial cognition, neurorehabilitation, awareness, movement planning19921995 John CM Brust (grad student)
Robert C. Bartlett2000 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Samuel J. Beck19271932 David Levy (grad student)
Katherine A. Beckmann TC: Developmental Psychology2012 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Arthur L. Bentonvision, visuoconstruction, tactile, aphasia, neuropsychology1935 Carney Landis (grad student), Joseph Zubin (grad student)
Robert BerrymanMatching behavior, pigeon learning, sensation and perception, discrimination learning William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Philip J. BershBehavior Analysis William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Robert M. Bilderneuropsychology, schizophrenia, neuroimaging19811982 Rita G. Rudel (grad student)
Niall Bolgerstress, relationships, dyads, methodology
Melissa R. BooneHIV prevention, stress, substance use, young men who have sex with men
Christina J. Borbely2004 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Christy L. Brady-Smith2002 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Erin Bumgarner TC: Developmental Psychology2013 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Maxime CazorlaPsychiatry, Dopamine Christoph Kellendonk (post-doc)
Jondou C. Chen Psychology2013 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Yihsiu ChenExperimental Social Psychology, Human Communication Psychology Robert M. Krauss (grad student)
Nicholas Christenfeld Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Kenneth B. Clark
Marylene Cloitre19811985 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Paul Michael CorballisCognitive Neuroscience, ERP, Attention, Visual Perception19921996 Gabriele Gratton (grad student)
Christopher M. Crew Geraldine Downey (grad student)
John Orr CritesVocational Psychology Donald Super (grad student)
William CummingMatching behavior, discrimination learning, pigeon behavior Robert Berryman (collaborator), William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Nancy L. DallalChunking, Spatial navigation, Vestibular system
Carter W DanielsAnimal Learning & Cognition Psychology2019 Peter Balsam (post-doc)
John F. Dashiell1913 James McKeen Cattell (grad student), John Dewey (grad student)
Robert J. DeBellisComputational/Addiction
Gordon F. Derner
Laura M. DeRose2005 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
John Deweyphilosophy, psychology
James Dinsmoor Fred Simmons Keller (grad student), William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Geraldine Downey
Katherine D. Duncanmemory2011 Daphna Shohamy (post-doc)
Carol S. DweckDevelopmental Psychology
Tobias Egnerattention, cognitive control, visual cognition20032006 Joy Hirsch (post-doc)
Albert Ellis Goodwin Watson (grad student), Alfred Adler (collaborator), Paul Eddy (collaborator)
William D. Ellisonpersonality, personality disorders, self, narcissism Psychology Psychology20052006 E. Tory Higgins (grad student), Geraldine Downey (research assistant)
Richard M. Emerson Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Leonard EronChild Psychology, Aggression
Rebecca C. Fauth2004 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Charles B. FersterBehavior Fred Simmons Keller (grad student)
John M. Foleypsychology Clarence Graham (grad student)
Shepherd Ivory FranzBrain plasticity; clinical neuropsychology Psychology1899 James McKeen Cattell (grad student)
Jonathan L. Freedmansocial psychology
Sven Froeberg
Henry GarrettIntelligence; eugenics Psychology19161919 Albert Theodore Poffenberger (grad student)
Florence Lindy GeisPersonality19651970 Richard Christie (grad student)
Andrew J. GerberMRI, development, psychotherapy, autism2005 Bradley Peterson (post-doc)
Barbara J. GillamVision, Psychophysics Psychology1970 Clarence Graham (research scientist), Joseph Zubin (post-doc)
Jay Gingrichpsychiatry
Edward Girden1931 Karl M. Dallenbach (grad student)
Ronald Goldman1968 Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Leonard D. Goodstein Laurance F. Shaffer (grad student)
Joshua A. GordonPsychiatric disease, systems neurophysiology20012005 René Hen (post-doc)
Leon Gorlow
Clarence Grahampsychology
Phyllis Gyamfi2001 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Mark L. HatzenbuehlerDiscrimination/Bias, Disparities / Inequalities in Health, Incarceration and Recidivism, Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender Health, Stigma
Ralph F. HefferlineBehavior Analysis Fred Simmons Keller (grad student), William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Chelsea HelionEmotion, Self-Regulation, Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology20142019 Kevin Nicholas Ochsner (post-doc)
C. Peter Herman1972 Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Charles Judson Herrick Oliver S. Strong (grad student)
Leta Hollingworth1916 Edward L. Thorndike (grad student)
Aleksandra Holod TC: Developmental Psychology2012 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Donald Charles HoodVisual psychophysics, physiology
Li HuangOrganizational Behavior; Social Psychology Adam D. Galinsky (grad student)
Todd E. Hudsonprobabilistic models, statistical models, psychophysics, motor control, motor planning2001 Leonard Matin (grad student)
Nora Miriam Isacoffmental lexicon, psychology of language, cognitive development
Greg JensenCognitive Psychology,Behavior Analysis Psychology20092014 Herbert S. Terrace (grad student), Peter Balsam (grad student)
Anna D. Johnson2010 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Harold Ellis JonesDevelopmental psychology1923 Robert Sessions Woodworth (grad student)
Lara K. Kammrath2004 Walter Mischel (grad student)
Nita J. Kang2006 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Eli E. Kapostinslearning, language1961 Fred Simmons Keller (grad student)
George Bela KishBehavior Analysis Fred Simmons Keller (research assistant)
Otto KlinebergSocial Psychology1927 Franz Boas (grad student)
Bruno Klopferprojective tests19341934 Franz Boas (research scientist)
Maria Konnikova Psychology2013 Walter Mischel (grad student)
David H. Krantzproblem solving, especially decision making, induction, and math education; applications of axiomatic measurement theory; perception, especially psychophysics, color vision
Leonard Krasner Psychology Robert Sessions Woodworth (grad student), Fred Simmons Keller (grad student), William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Robert M. Krausslanguage, speech production, communication, social psychology Morton Deutsch (grad student)
Anita P. Krishnan2007 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Sandra L. Lara2002 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
David Levy
Helen Block Lewispsychoanalysis1936 Robert Sessions Woodworth (grad student)
Xiaodong LinMotivation, Instruction and Technology Design, Metacognition and Self-Assessment, Science Education, Intercultural Competence Development
Taosheng Liu19962001 Lynn A Cooper (grad student)
Zhi Liu Management20102015 Michael W. Morris (grad student)
Bonita E. London2006 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Irving Lorge
Shachar MaidenbaumVirtual Reality, Spatial cognition, Rehabilitation Biomedical Engineering2017 Joshua J. Jacobs (post-doc)
Lizabeth M. Malone2008 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
George Manderlink Social Psychology19822006 Judith M. Harackiewicz (grad student), William Morris Bernstein (grad student)
Abraham Maslowhierarchy of human needs19351937 Edward L. Thorndike (research scientist), Alfred Adler (grad student)
Leonard Matinvisual psychophysics Clarence Graham (grad student)
Bernard Mausner
Laura McKee Suniya Luthar (grad student)
Pranjal H. Mehtasocial endocrinology Dana Carney (post-doc)
Jock MillensonBehavior analysis William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Walter Mischel
Aurelia MokSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2010 Michael W. Morris (grad student)
Daniel C. Molden2003 E. Tory Higgins (grad student)
Shira MorManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology Business2013 Michael W. Morris (grad student)
Michael W. Morrisculture, decision making, negotiation
Ariel J MosleyIntergroup Relations; Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Discrimination; Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Gardner Murphy James McKeen Cattell (grad student)
John Anthony Nevin William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Theodore M. Newcombsocial psychology, 1929 Gardner Murphy (grad student), Goodwin Watson (grad student)
Tracy R. Nichols2002 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Richard E. Nisbettsocial cognition, culture, social class, aging1966 Stanley Schachter (grad student), Lee Ross (collaborator)
Laurence J. Nolaningestive behavior19941996 Harry Kissileff (post-doc)
Erik Christopher NookEmotion, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Development Psychology20102012 Kevin Nicholas Ochsner (research assistant)
Joseph M. NottermanBehavior Analysis William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Lisa A. O'Connor2001 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Reid OffringaData Science, Statistics, experimental psychology, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anterior Cingulate Cortex
DongWon OhSocial perception, face processing, face perception, stereotypes Psychology20182022 Jon Freeman (post-doc)
Chukwudi A. OnyemekwuSocial Cognitive Neuroscience, regulation of appetative impulses, substance use (abuse) Richard B. Lopez (collaborator), Kevin Nicholas Ochsner (research assistant), Hedy Kober (research assistant)
Jason C. Parkvision20042012 Donald Charles Hood (grad student)
Delroy Paulhuspersonality Psychology19771980 Richard Christie (grad student), Harold A. Sackeim (grad student)
Jonathan E. PeelleSpeech comprehension, hearing loss, neuroimaging20052006 Larry F. Abbott (post-doc)
Trevor B. Penney19921997 Warren H. Meck (grad student), John Gibbon (grad student)
Franco PestilliDiffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tractography, functional MRI, Neuroscience, Visual attention, Decision making, Reward, Reading, Connectomics20082011 Vincent P. Ferrera (post-doc)
Nina M. Philipsen Hetzner TC: Developmental Psychology2011 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Janina Pietrzak2004 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Patricia Pliner1970 Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Katherine Porikos1974 Stanley Schachter (grad student), Stephen C. Woods (grad student)
Aliza W. Pressman Psychology2011 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Roland Radloff Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Kavita S. Reddy Psychology2011 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Kathleen Redington1982 Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Emily B. Reese TC: Developmental Psychology2014 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Dawn E. Rigby2005 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Rainer Romero2006 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Richard Ronay Dana Carney (post-doc)
Lee RossSocial psychology Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Cherie B. Ruben
Rita G. RudelNeuropsychology Hans-Lukas Teuber (grad student), Gerry Leisman (collaborator)
Henry Alford Ruger Teachers College1910 Edward L. Thorndike (grad student)
Rebecca M. Ryan2006 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Carol SansoneIntrinsic Motivation Judith M. Harackiewicz (grad student)
Linda Santos2003 Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Raymond Saussure
Stanley SchachterSocial Psychology
Nat Schoenfeld
Mark S. Seidenberglanguage, reading Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
James Y. Shah E. Tory Higgins (grad student)
Muzafer Sherif1935 Gardner Murphy (grad student)
Yuichi Shoda Walter Mischel (grad student)
Brett Silverstein1976 Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Arthur Snapper1962 William N. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Betsy SparrowUnpriming, conscious will, authorship processing, social interactions, priming
Donald SuperAvocational Interest Patterns, Vocational Psychology Harry Dexter Kitson (grad student), Robert Thorndike (grad student)
Alexandra Suppesstress, relationships, dyads, methodology2010 Niall Bolger (grad student)
Herbert S. TerracePrimate Cognition
Edward L. Thorndikeeducational psychology1895 James McKeen Cattell (grad student)
Robert ThorndikePsychometrics, Organization of Behavior in the Albino Rat C. J. Warden (grad student)
Nitika Tolani2007 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (grad student)
Khalid TouzaniBrain reward processes, learning, memory, motivation, palatability, dopamine Neurobiology and Behavior Eric R. Kandel (research scientist)
W. Clark TrowEducation, Psychology1924 Edward L. Thorndike (grad student)
Angela TsengNeuroscience; Child Psychology; Neurodevelopmental Disorders Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Bradley Peterson (post-doc)
Stuart Valins1964 Stanley Schachter (grad student)
Heather Van VolkinburgTiming Psychology20072012 Peter Balsam (grad student)
Dan Vatterottvisual attention, visual cognition Neuroscience2015 Jacqueline Gottlieb (post-doc)
Matti VuorrePsychology Psychology20132018 Janet Metcalfe (grad student)
Akshat VyasNeuroscience Psychology Sarah M. Woolley (post-doc)
Goodwin Watson
John B. WatsonBehaviorism John Dewey (grad student)
Abbie Wazlawek Dana Carney (grad student)
Robert Sessions Woodworthpsychology of learning1899 James McKeen Cattell (grad student)
Andy Yap Dana Carney (grad student)
Daniel Yonasmoral development, social cognition, child development, intergroup processes Psychology Larisa A. Heiphetz (grad student)
Laura B. Zahodne Yaakov Stern (post-doc)
Lisa Zaval