Duke University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Irving E. Alexander
Ashley Batts Allen Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Mark R. Leary (grad student)
Melissa J. Allman Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Joanna E. Andersonsocial psychology, trust, relationships20072009 Grainne M. Fitzsimons (grad student)
Elizabeth H. BeamCognitive Neuroscience20102013 Scott Huettel (research assistant)
Aimee Benson Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Ashley Berkebile-Weinbergintergroup relations, relationships, discussions Psychology20192024 Maureen Craig (grad student)
Henry B. BillerChild, Family, Fathers Lloyd Joseph Borstelmann (grad student)
Lloyd Joseph Borstelmann
Rachel A. Bowman
Nicholaus Brosowsky Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Department of Psychology and Neuroscience20192021 Paul Seli (post-doc), Tobias Egner (post-doc)
John P. BrunoNeuropsychopharmacology Warren G. (Ted) Hall (post-doc)
Pamela J. BuckPsychosocial aspects of disease, cardio-psychology
Matthew S. CainAttention, Perception, Visual Search, Learning20092012 Stephen R. Mitroff (post-doc)
Ziv Carmonmarketing, decision making, consumer research, behavioral economics
Clarence "Ray" Ray CarpenterPrimates19281929 William McDougall (research assistant)
Justin Carréaggression, testosterone Ahmad R. Hariri (grad student)
Munire Ozlem Cevik Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Aimee Chabotconsumer behavior; financial decision making; relationships; social and cognitive psychology James Ross Bettman (grad student)
Joel Cooper1969 Edward E. Jones (grad student)
Christopher G. Coutleedecision making, neuroeconomics, social cognitive neuroscience, temporal discounting, cognitive control2009 Scott Huettel (grad student)
Herbert E. CovingtonBehavioral Neuroscience
Stacie A. CraftSelf-processes, Measurement2006 Rick H. Hoyle (grad student)
Maureen Craig
Nancy L. DallalChunking, Spatial navigation, Vestibular system Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Erin K. DavissonSelf-processes, Measurement Psychology and Neuroscience2013 Rick H. Hoyle (grad student)
Amy P. Demorest Irving E. Alexander (grad student)
Florin DolcosAffective, Cognitive, and Clinical Neurosciences Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Gregory McCarthy (post-doc), Kevin LaBar (collaborator)
Tobias Egnerattention, cognitive control, visual cognition
Justin M. EricsonVision, Attention2014 Stephen R. Mitroff (post-doc)
Marie-Joelle Estrada Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Mark R. Leary (grad student)
Grainne M. Fitzsimonssocial psychology, organizational behavior, relationships, goals, motivation
Margaret Gatz1972 Martin Lakin (grad student)
Krissy GivinesSocial
Bon-Mi Gu Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Warren G. (Ted) HallDevelopmental psychobiology, motivation
Sanghoon HanEpisodic Memory, Motivated Memory, Decision Making, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology20082010 R. Alison Adcock (post-doc), Ian Dobbins (grad student)
Jamie L. Hansonearly experience, brain development, stress, maltreatment, neglect Psychology & Neuroscience Ahmad R. Hariri (post-doc), Kenneth A. Dodge (post-doc)
Brian Harebiological anthropology, comparative psychology
John M. Hinson John E R Staddon (grad student)
Sean C. Hinton Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Werner K. HonigBehavior Analysis Norman Guttman (grad student)
Rick H. HoyleSelf-processes, Measurement
Lixiao Huang20112016 Douglas J. Gillan (grad student)
Ira HymanCognition, Memory19801984 David C. Rubin (research assistant)
Adam JacksSpeech and Hearing Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders Psychology19951998 Lynn Hasher (research assistant)
Edward E. Jones
Anita J. Jurkowski Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Aaron C. KaySocial psychology Fuqua20002003 John T. Jost (grad student)
John Kello John E R Staddon (grad student)
George Bela KishBehavior Analysis Gregory Kimble (grad student)
Philip A. KragelNeuroscience, Cognition, Emotion20102015 Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Munir Gunes KutluAssociative Learning Models Nestor Schmajuk (grad student), Hasan Galip Bahcekapili (grad student)
Youngbin KwakNeural bases of motivational control of human learning and decision making2011 Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Michael Lacagnina Staci D. Bilbo (grad student)
Jessica I. Lake Warren H. Meck (grad student), Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Martin Lakin
Rick LarrickJudgment and decision making, social psychology, organizational behavior
Mark R. Leary
Nathan Liangmoral psychology, cooperation, empathy, social norms, social learning Philosophy20192021 Felipe De Brigard (research assistant)
Alysson E. LightSelf-concept, Self-regulation, Goals
Gregory R. Lockheadpsychophysics
Cindy A. Lustig2001 Warren H. Meck (collaborator), Lynn Hasher (grad student)
Evan L. MacLeancomparative psychology, biological anthropology and anatomy Evolutionary Anthropology20072012 Elizabeth M. Brannon (research scientist), Paul D. MacLean (research assistant), Melissa Furlong (collaborator), Brian Hare (grad student)
George Maddox1956 Ewald W. Busse (grad student)
John Malone John E R Staddon (grad student)
Samuel Marsan Psychology and Neuroscience2017 Nancy L. Zucker (grad student)
Peter Martin1985 George Maddox (grad student)
Cynthia P. MayCognitive aging Lynn Hasher (grad student)
F. Joseph McClernon Jed Rose (post-doc)
Patrick Owen McGowanEpigenetics, Biological Psychiatry, Behavioral Neuroscience19992005 Christina Williams (grad student)
Terrie Moffittantisocial behavior, genetics Sarnoff Mednick (grad student)
Robert L Morris Norman Guttman (grad student)
Hillary Grey MulletMemory Psychology2016 Marshall B. Allen, Jr. (grad student), Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-GillmanDecision Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making, Executive Functions, Value-to-Utility Transformation, Moral Judgments2007 Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Karen L. MurphyMonoamine regulation Neurobiology20022008 Marc Caron (grad student)
Amrita C. Nairsocial interaction, decision-making Neurobiology20062013 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Karl OswaldMemory1999 Matt Serra (grad student)
Anthony Michael Pascoe Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Mark R. Leary (grad student)
John William PayneBusiness Administration
Henry S. PennypackerBehavior Analysis1962 Gregory Kimble (grad student)
Severine Perbal Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Alliston K. ReidBehavior Analysis John E R Staddon (grad student)
Clive J. Robins
Jorgianne C. RobinsonSelf-processes, Measurement2007 Rick H. Hoyle (grad student)
Rene San Martinneuroeconomics, social cognitive neuroscience, learning, cognitive control2010 Scott Huettel (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Nestor SchmajukAssociative Learning Models John W. Moore (grad student)
Thomas R. Scottgustatory coding, ingestive behavior Robert P. Erickson (grad student)
James Y. Shah
John Sid ShraugerSocial psychology with a focus on personality and measurement.
David V. Smithdecision neuroscience, valuation, individual differences Psychology and Neuroscience20072012 Scott Huettel (grad student)
Michael A. Smyer1977 George Maddox (grad student)
Elena J TenebaumLanguage Acquisition, Cognitive Development
Sven Thoenes Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Kaitlin Elizabeth Toner Psychology and Neuroscience2013 Mark R. Leary (grad student)
Michelle R. vanDellenSelf-processes, Measurement Psychology2008 Rick H. Hoyle (grad student)
Roger Vilardaga Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Jennifer Plumb Vilardaga Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Michael Wallach
Lawrence McCue Wardpsychophysics, cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems theory19661970 Gregory R. Lockhead (grad student)
Camille B. WortmanGrief, Trauma, Loss Jack W. Brehm (grad student)
Clive Wynnebehavior of animals, including dogs and other canids, behavior analysis, operant conditioning, timing John E R Staddon (post-doc)
Shirley Yen