Irving E. Alexander | | | | | |
Ashley Batts Allen | | Psychology and Neuroscience | | 2011 | Mark R. Leary (grad student) |
Melissa J. Allman | | | | | Warren H. Meck (post-doc) |
Joanna E. Anderson | social psychology, trust, relationships | | 2007 | 2009 | Grainne M. Fitzsimons (grad student) |
Elizabeth H. Beam | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 2010 | 2013 | Scott Huettel (research assistant) |
Aimee Benson | | | | | Warren H. Meck (grad student) |
Ashley Berkebile-Weinberg | intergroup relations, relationships, discussions | Psychology | 2019 | 2024 | Maureen Craig (grad student) |
Henry B. Biller | Child, Family, Fathers | | | | Lloyd Joseph Borstelmann (grad student) |
Lloyd Joseph Borstelmann | | | | | |
Rachel A. Bowman | | | | | |
Nicholaus Brosowsky | | Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Department of Psychology and Neuroscience | 2019 | 2021 | Paul Seli (post-doc), Tobias Egner (post-doc) |
John P. Bruno | Neuropsychopharmacology | | | | Warren G. (Ted) Hall (post-doc) |
Pamela J. Buck | Psychosocial aspects of disease, cardio-psychology | | | | |
Matthew S. Cain | Attention, Perception, Visual Search, Learning | | 2009 | 2012 | Stephen R. Mitroff (post-doc) |
Ziv Carmon | marketing, decision making, consumer research, behavioral economics | | | | |
Clarence "Ray" Ray Carpenter | Primates | | 1928 | 1929 | William McDougall (research assistant) |
Justin Carré | aggression, testosterone | | | | Ahmad R. Hariri (grad student) |
Munire Ozlem Cevik | | | | | Warren H. Meck (post-doc) |
Aimee Chabot | consumer behavior; financial decision making; relationships; social and cognitive psychology | | | | James Ross Bettman (grad student) |
Joel Cooper | | | | 1969 | Edward E. Jones (grad student) |
Christopher G. Coutlee | decision making, neuroeconomics, social cognitive neuroscience, temporal discounting, cognitive control | | 2009 | | Scott Huettel (grad student) |
Herbert E. Covington | Behavioral Neuroscience | | | | |
Stacie A. Craft | Self-processes, Measurement | | | 2006 | Rick H. Hoyle (grad student) |
Maureen Craig | | | | | |
Nancy L. Dallal | Chunking, Spatial navigation, Vestibular system | | | | Warren H. Meck (grad student) |
Erin K. Davisson | Self-processes, Measurement | Psychology and Neuroscience | | 2013 | Rick H. Hoyle (grad student) |
Amy P. Demorest | | | | | Irving E. Alexander (grad student) |
Florin Dolcos | Affective, Cognitive, and Clinical Neurosciences | | | | Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Gregory McCarthy (post-doc), Kevin LaBar (collaborator) |
Tobias Egner | attention, cognitive control, visual cognition | | | | |
Justin M. Ericson | Vision, Attention | | 2014 | | Stephen R. Mitroff (post-doc) |
Marie-Joelle Estrada | | Psychology and Neuroscience | | 2010 | Mark R. Leary (grad student) |
Grainne M. Fitzsimons | social psychology, organizational behavior, relationships, goals, motivation | | | | |
Margaret Gatz | | | | 1972 | Martin Lakin (grad student) |
Krissy Givines | Social | | | | |
Bon-Mi Gu | | | | | Warren H. Meck (grad student) |
Warren G. (Ted) Hall | Developmental psychobiology, motivation | | | | |
Sanghoon Han | Episodic Memory, Motivated Memory, Decision Making, Cognitive Neuroscience, | Psychology | 2008 | 2010 | R. Alison Adcock (post-doc), Ian Dobbins (grad student) |
Jamie L. Hanson | early experience, brain development, stress, maltreatment, neglect | Psychology & Neuroscience | | | Ahmad R. Hariri (post-doc), Kenneth A. Dodge (post-doc) |
Brian Hare | biological anthropology, comparative psychology | | | | |
John M. Hinson | | | | | John E R Staddon (grad student) |
Sean C. Hinton | | | | | Warren H. Meck (grad student) |
Werner K. Honig | Behavior Analysis | | | | Norman Guttman (grad student) |
Rick H. Hoyle | Self-processes, Measurement | | | | |
Lixiao Huang | | | 2011 | 2016 | Douglas J. Gillan (grad student) |
Ira Hyman | Cognition, Memory | | 1980 | 1984 | David C. Rubin (research assistant) |
Adam Jacks | Speech and Hearing Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders | Psychology | 1995 | 1998 | Lynn Hasher (research assistant) |
Edward E. Jones | | | | | |
Anita J. Jurkowski | | | | | Warren H. Meck (post-doc) |
Aaron C. Kay | Social psychology | Fuqua | 2000 | 2003 | John T. Jost (grad student) |
John Kello | | | | | John E R Staddon (grad student) |
George Bela Kish | Behavior Analysis | | | | Gregory Kimble (grad student) |
Philip A. Kragel | Neuroscience, Cognition, Emotion | | 2010 | 2015 | Kevin LaBar (grad student) |
Munir Gunes Kutlu | Associative Learning Models | | | | Nestor Schmajuk (grad student), Hasan Galip Bahcekapili (grad student) |
Youngbin Kwak | Neural bases of motivational control of human learning and decision making | | 2011 | | Scott Huettel (post-doc) |
Michael Lacagnina | | | | | Staci D. Bilbo (grad student) |
Jessica I. Lake | | | | | Warren H. Meck (grad student), Kevin LaBar (grad student) |
Martin Lakin | | | | | |
Rick Larrick | Judgment and decision making, social psychology, organizational behavior | | | | |
Mark R. Leary | | | | | |
Nathan Liang | moral psychology, cooperation, empathy, social norms, social learning | Philosophy | 2019 | 2021 | Felipe De Brigard (research assistant) |
Alysson E. Light | Self-concept, Self-regulation, Goals | | | | |
Gregory R. Lockhead | psychophysics | | | | |
Cindy A. Lustig | | | | 2001 | Warren H. Meck (collaborator), Lynn Hasher (grad student) |
Evan L. MacLean | comparative psychology, biological anthropology and anatomy | Evolutionary Anthropology | 2007 | 2012 | Elizabeth M. Brannon (research scientist), Paul D. MacLean (research assistant), Melissa Furlong (collaborator), Brian Hare (grad student) |
George Maddox | | | | 1956 | Ewald W. Busse (grad student) |
John Malone | | | | | John E R Staddon (grad student) |
Samuel Marsan | | Psychology and Neuroscience | 2017 | | Nancy L. Zucker (grad student) |
Peter Martin | | | 1985 | | George Maddox (grad student) |
Cynthia P. May | Cognitive aging | | | | Lynn Hasher (grad student) |
F. Joseph McClernon | | | | | Jed Rose (post-doc) |
Patrick Owen McGowan | Epigenetics, Biological Psychiatry, Behavioral Neuroscience | | 1999 | 2005 | Christina Williams (grad student) |
Terrie Moffitt | antisocial behavior, genetics | | | | Sarnoff Mednick (grad student) |
Robert L Morris | | | | | Norman Guttman (grad student) |
Hillary Grey Mullet | Memory | Psychology | | 2016 | Marshall B. Allen, Jr. (grad student), Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student) |
O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-Gillman | Decision Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making, Executive Functions, Value-to-Utility Transformation, Moral Judgments | | 2007 | | Scott Huettel (post-doc) |
Karen L. Murphy | Monoamine regulation | Neurobiology | 2002 | 2008 | Marc Caron (grad student) |
Amrita C. Nair | social interaction, decision-making | Neurobiology | 2006 | 2013 | Michael L. Platt (grad student) |
Karl Oswald | Memory | | | 1999 | Matt Serra (grad student) |
Anthony Michael Pascoe | | Psychology and Neuroscience | | 2011 | Mark R. Leary (grad student) |
John William Payne | Business Administration | | | | |
Henry S. Pennypacker | Behavior Analysis | | | 1962 | Gregory Kimble (grad student) |
Severine Perbal | | | | | Warren H. Meck (post-doc) |
Alliston K. Reid | Behavior Analysis | | | | John E R Staddon (grad student) |
Clive J. Robins | | | | | |
Jorgianne C. Robinson | Self-processes, Measurement | | | 2007 | Rick H. Hoyle (grad student) |
Rene San Martin | neuroeconomics, social cognitive neuroscience, learning, cognitive control | | 2010 | | Scott Huettel (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (grad student) |
Nestor Schmajuk | Associative Learning Models | | | | John W. Moore (grad student) |
Thomas R. Scott | gustatory coding, ingestive behavior | | | | Robert P. Erickson (grad student) |
James Y. Shah | | | | | |
John Sid Shrauger | Social psychology with a focus on personality and measurement. | | | | |
David V. Smith | decision neuroscience, valuation, individual differences | Psychology and Neuroscience | 2007 | 2012 | Scott Huettel (grad student) |
Michael A. Smyer | | | 1977 | | George Maddox (grad student) |
Elena J Tenebaum | Language Acquisition, Cognitive Development | | | | |
Sven Thoenes | | | | | Warren H. Meck (grad student) |
Kaitlin Elizabeth Toner | | Psychology and Neuroscience | | 2013 | Mark R. Leary (grad student) |
Michelle R. vanDellen | Self-processes, Measurement | Psychology | | 2008 | Rick H. Hoyle (grad student) |
Roger Vilardaga | | | | | Steven C. Hayes (grad student) |
Jennifer Plumb Vilardaga | | | | | Steven C. Hayes (grad student) |
Michael Wallach | | | | | |
Lawrence McCue Ward | psychophysics, cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems theory | | 1966 | 1970 | Gregory R. Lockhead (grad student) |
Camille B. Wortman | Grief, Trauma, Loss | | | | Jack W. Brehm (grad student) |
Clive Wynne | behavior of animals, including dogs and other canids, behavior analysis, operant conditioning, timing | | | | John E R Staddon (post-doc) |
Shirley Yen | | | | | |