Leonard D. Goodstein
Affiliations: | University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA |
"Leonard Goodstein"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add traineeRobert C. Radtke | grad student | University of Iowa (Neurotree) | |
Charles D. Spielberger | grad student | University of Iowa | |
Christopher Keys | grad student | 1973 | University of Cincinnati (Neurotree) |
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Goodstein LD, Lanyon RI, Radtke RC, et al. (1964) Verbal Conditioning in a New Sentence Construction Task: A Further Study Psychological Reports. 15: 97-98 |
SPIELBERGER CD, GOODSTEIN LD, DAHLSTROM WG. (1958) Complex incidental learning as a function of anxiety and task difficulty. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 56: 58-61 |
GOODSTEIN LD, FARBER IE. (1957) On the relation between A-scale scores and digit symbol performance. Journal of Consulting Psychology. 21: 152-4 |
GOODSTEIN LD, SPIELBERGER CD, WILLIAMS JE, et al. (1955) The effects of serial position and design difficulty on recall of the Bender-Gestalt test designs. Journal of Consulting Psychology. 19: 230-4 |