William K. Estes

1946-1962 Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
 1962-1968 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
 1968-1979 Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States 
 1979-1999 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Learning & memory
"William Estes"

(1919 - 2011)
https://books.google.com/books?id=iV7QAAAAMAAJ 1943. ESTES , WILLIAM KAYE . B.A. summa cum laude '40 , University of Minnesota . Major : Psychology . Minor : Neuropsychiatry . Thesis : An Experimental Study of Punishment . Major Adviser : Prof. B. F. Skinner

Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Richard M. Elliott research assistant UMN (Neurotree)
Burrhus Frederic Skinner grad student 1943 UMN
 (An Experimental Study of Punishment)


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Mark Gluck research assistant Harvard (Neurotree)
Richard C. Atkinson grad student
Jamshed Bharucha grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Elizabeth Bjork grad student (Neurotree)
Anderson J. Franklin grad student University of Oregon, Eugene (Neurotree)
Lloyd  E. Homme grad student Indiana University Bloomington
Leonard Katz grad student University of Massachusetts (Neurotree)
Walter Kintsch grad student Indiana University Bloomington
Robert M. Nosofsky grad student Indiana University Bloomington
Allan Schneider grad student Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
James Townsend grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
David Wessel grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
George L. Wolford grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
Arnold H. Buss grad student 1952 Indiana University Bloomington
Jerry S. Wiggins grad student 1952-1956 UBC
Keith N. Clayton grad student 1959-1959 Vanderbilt (Neurotree)
Edward J Crothers grad student 1961 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Michael Cole grad student 1962 Department of Surgery, University of California, San Diego (Neurotree)
Chizuko Izawa grad student 1960-1965 Stanford (Neurotree)
Robert A. Bjork grad student 1966 Stanford
David E. Rumelhart grad student 1967 Stanford
Alice F. Healy grad student 1970-1970 CU Boulder (Neurotree)
Daniel T. Willingham grad student 1986-1990 Harvard (Neurotree)
Michael Jacob Kahana post-doc Harvard (Neurotree)
Douglas Lee Medin post-doc 1968-1969 Northwestern
Greg Ashby post-doc 1981-1982 Department of Psychology - Harvard University (Neurotree)
W Todd Maddox post-doc 1993-1994 Department of Psychology - Harvard University
BETA: Related publications


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Estes WK. (2014) Handbook of learning and cognitive processes: Volume 5 human information processing Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes: Volume 5 Human Information Processing. 1-337
Estes WK, Maddox WT. (2005) Risks of drawing inferences about cognitive processes from model fits to individual versus average performance. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 12: 403-8
Maddox WT, Estes WK. (2004) Predicting true patterns of cognitive performance from noisy data. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 11: 1129-35
Estes WK, Maddox WT. (2002) On the processes underlying stimulus-familiarity effects in recognition of words and nonwords. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 28: 1003-18
Estes WK. (2002) Traps in the route to models of memory and decision. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 9: 3-25
Maddox WT, Estes WK. (1997) Direct and indirect stimulus-frequency effects in recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 23: 539-59
Estes WK. (1997) Processes of memory loss, recovery, and distortion. Psychological Review. 104: 148-69
Estes WK, Maddox WT. (1995) Interactions of stimulus attributes, base rates, and feedback in recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 21: 1075-95
Pierce WD, Epling WF, Dews PB, et al. (1994) Activity anorexia: An interplay between basic and applied behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 17: 7-23
Dews PB, Estes WK, Morse WH, et al. (1994) Memorial minute for B. F. Skinner. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 17: 2-5
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