Amanda Marie Durik
Affiliations: | 2003 | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
"Amanda Durik"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJudith M. Harackiewicz | grad student | 2003 | UW Madison | |
(Personal and situational factors involved in the development of interest.) |
Sign in to add traineeMeghan Huntoon Lindeman | grad student | Northern Illinois University (Neurotree) | |
Chelsea M. Lovejoy | grad student | 2012 | Northern Illinois University |
Edward J. Hansen | grad student | 2014 | Northern Illinois University |
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Lindeman MIH, Durik AM, Dooley M. (2018) Women and Self-Promotion: A Test of Three Theories. Psychological Reports. 33294118755096 |
McGee S, Durik A, Zimmerman J, et al. (2018) Engaging Middle School Students in Authentic Scientific Practices Can Enhance Their Understanding of Ecosystem Response to Hurricane Disturbance Forests. 9: 658 |
Durik AM, Schwartz J, Schmidt JA, et al. (2018) Age differences in effects of self-generated utility among Black and Hispanic adolescents Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 54: 60-68 |
Rouet J, Britt MA, Durik AM. (2017) RESOLV: Readers' Representation of Reading Contexts and Tasks Educational Psychologist. 52: 200-215 |
Fite RE, Lindeman MI, Rogers AP, et al. (2017) Knowing oneself and long-term goal pursuit: Relations among self-concept clarity, conscientiousness, and grit Personality and Individual Differences. 108: 191-194 |
Lindeman MIH, Durik AM, Hall GJ. (2017) Sometimes less is more: the role of subjective task experience in self-generated value interventions Social Psychology of Education. 21: 371-381 |
Britt MA, Kopp KJ, Durik AM, et al. (2016) Identifying general cognitive abilities involved in argument comprehension and evaluation Zeitschrift Fur Padagogische Psychologie. 30: 79-95 |
Durik AM, Tonks SM. (2015) Beyond success: The potential of imbuing memories with task value Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 4: 381-382 |
Durik AM, Shechter OG, Noh M, et al. (2014) What if I can't? Success expectancies moderate the effects of utility value information on situational interest and performance Motivation and Emotion |
Senko C, Durik AM, Patel L, et al. (2013) Performance-approach goal effects on achievement under low versus high challenge conditions Learning and Instruction. 23: 60-68 |