Frouke Hermens

University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom 
Visual perception
"Frouke Hermens"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Willem J.M. Levelt research assistant Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Neurotree)
Niels Olaf Schiller research assistant Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Neurotree)
David A. Rosenbaum grad student 2003-2003 Penn State (Neurotree)
 (Fulbright grant research project)
Stan C. Gielen grad student 2001-2004 Radboud University Nijmegen (Neurotree)
Astrid M L Kappers grad student 2003-2004 Helmholtz Institute (Utrecht University - NL) (Neurotree)
Michael H. Herzog post-doc 2004-2007 Swiss Institute of Technology (Neurotree)
Johannes Zanker post-doc 2007-2008 Royal Holloway University of London
Robin Walker post-doc 2007-2010 Royal Holloway University of London (Neurotree)
Johan Wagemans post-doc 2010-2012 KU Leuven (Neurotree)


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Greg Francis collaborator 2000- EPFL (Neurotree)
Frank Scharnowski collaborator 2004- EPFL (Neurotree)
Udo Ernst collaborator 2006-2007 EPFL (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Ozana A, Hermens F, Biderang A, et al. (2024) Acting with the feet and hands: Does one effector system dominate the other? Acta Psychologica. 251: 104625
Ozana A, Hermens F, Meulenbroek RGJ, et al. (2023) Thinking on your feet: Anticipatory foot placements in repeated bimanual object displacements. Acta Psychologica. 241: 104089
Hodgson TL, Ezard G, Hermens F. (2019) Eye Movements in Neuropsychological Tasks. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences
Hodgson TL, Hermens F, Pennington K, et al. (2018) Eye Movements in the "Morris Maze" Spatial Working Memory Task Reveal Deficits in Strategic Planning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-13
Hermens F, Golubickis M, Macrae CN. (2018) Eye movements while judging faces for trustworthiness and dominance. Peerj. 6: e5702
Crosby F, Hermens F. (2018) Author accepted manuscript: Does it look safe? An eye tracking study into the visual aspects of fear of crime. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021818769203
Ryan M, Krucien N, Hermens F. (2017) The eyes have it: Using eye tracking to inform information processing strategies in multi-attributes choices. Health Economics
Hermens F. (2017) When do arrows start to compete? A developmental mouse-tracking study. Acta Psychologica. 182: 177-188
Hermens F. (2017) The effects of social and symbolic cues on visual search: cue shape trumps biological relevance Psihologija. 50: 117-140
Krucien N, Ryan M, Hermens F. (2017) Visual attention in multi-attributes choices: What can eye-tracking tell us? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 135: 251-267
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