Angela J. Bahns, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
Social Psychology, prejduice, political psychology
"Angela Bahns"


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Chris Crandall grad student 2011 University of Kansas
 (Feelings tell us friend or foe: Threat as justification for prejudice.)
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Bahns AJ, Lee J, Crandall CS. (2019) Culture and Mobility Determine the Importance of Similarity in Friendship Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 50: 731-750
Bahns AJ. (2017) Prejudice is a general evaluation, not a specific emotion. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 40: e227
Bahns AJ. (2017) Preference, opportunity, and choice: A multilevel analysis of diverse friendship formation Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 22: 233-252
Bahns AJ, Crandall CS, Gillath O, et al. (2016) Similarity in Relationships as Niche Construction: Choice, Stability, and Influence Within Dyads in a Free Choice Environment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Bahns AJ. (2016) Threat as justification of prejudice Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 20: 52-74
Bahns AJ, Crandall CS, Gillath O, et al. (2016) Nonverbal Communication of Similarity Via the Torso: It’s in the Bag Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1-20
Bahns AJ, Springer LS, The C. (2015) Fostering diverse friendships: The role of beliefs about the value of diversity Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 18: 475-488
Crandall CS, Ferguson MA, Bahns AJ. (2013) When we see prejudice: The normative window and social change Stereotyping and Prejudice. 53-70
Bahns AJ, Crandall CS, Canevello A, et al. (2013) Deciding to Dissolve: Individual- and Relationship-Level Predictors of Roommate Breakup Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 35: 164-175
Bahns AJ, Crandall CS. (2013) The opposite of backlash: High-SDO people show enhanced tolerance when gay people pose little threat European Journal of Social Psychology. 43: 286-291
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