Collette P. Eccleston, Ph.D.

2005 University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Social Psychology
"Collette Eccleston"


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Brenda Major grad student 2005 UC Santa Barbara
 (The impact of appraisals of fairness on motivation among members of stigmatized groups.)
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Newman LS, Eccleston CP, Oikawa M. (2016) Ignoring Biased Feedback: Membership in a Stigmatized Group as a Moderator of Mnemic Neglect. The Journal of Social Psychology
Weisbuch M, Slepian ML, Eccleston CP, et al. (2013) Nonverbal expressions of status and system legitimacy: an interactive influence on race bias. Psychological Science. 24: 2315-21
Eccleston CP, Major B. (2012) Responding to Self-Threats: Understanding Stigma in the Academic Domain Academic Motivation and the Culture of School in Childhood and Adolescence
O'Brien LT, Mars DE, Eccleston C. (2011) System-justifying ideologies and academic outcomes among first-year Latino college students. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 17: 406-14
Eccleston CP, Kaiser CR, Kraynak LR. (2010) Shifts in justice beliefs induced by Hurricane Katrina: The impact of claims of racism Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 13: 571-584
Eccleston CP, Major B. (2010) An Expectancy/Value Perspective on the Demotivating Effects of Prejudice Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 40: 1728-1746
Rutchick AM, Eccleston CP. (2010) Ironic effects of invoking common ingroup identity Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 32: 109-117
Eccleston CP, Smyth JM, Lopoo LM. (2010) Unraveling the race paradox of achievement and self-views Social Psychology of Education. 13: 1-18
Weisbuch M, Sinclair SA, Skorinko JL, et al. (2009) Self-Esteem Depends on the Beholder: Effects of a Subtle Social Value Cue. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45: 143-148
Eccleston CP. (2008) The Psychological and Physical Health Effects of Stigma: The Role of Self-threats Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 2: 1345-1361
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