Gayle R. Bessenoff, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
"Gayle Bessenoff"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJeffrey W. Sherman | grad student | 1996-2000 | Northwestern | |
Wendi Gardner | grad student | 2001 | Northwestern | |
(Weight -norm internalization: The role of the self -concept in norm -related self -evaluation.) |
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Bessenoff GR, Sherman JW. (2000) Automatic and controlled components of prejudice toward fat people: Evaluation versus stereotype activation Social Cognition. 18: 329-353 |
Sherman JW, Bessenoff GR. (1999) Stereotypes as Source-Monitoring Cues: On the Interaction Between Episodic and Semantic Memory Psychological Science. 10: 106-110 |
Sherman JW, Lee AY, Bessenoff GR, et al. (1998) Stereotype efficiency reconsidered: encoding flexibility under cognitive load? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 75: 589-606 |
Curran T, Schacter DL, Bessenoff G. (1996) Visual specificity effects on word stem completion: beyond transfer appropriate processing? Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie ExpéRimentale. 50: 22-33 |