Leonard Matin

Columbia University, New York, NY 
visual psychophysics
"Leonard Matin"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Elizabeth Thorpe Davis grad student Columbia (Neurotree)
Todd E. Hudson grad student 2001 Columbia
Adam Y. Shavit grad student 2002-2009 Columbia (Neurotree)
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Matin L, Matin E, Li W. (2015) Dipole Analysis of the Influence of Linear Arrays of Points On Visually Perceived Eye Level (VPEL). Vision Research
Li W, Matin E, Matin L. (2014) Water Flows Uphill: A Visual Illusion and Its Explanation Journal of Vision. 14: 150-150
Shavit AY, Li W, Matin L. (2013) Individual differences in perceived elevation and verticality: evidence of a common visual process. Multisensory Research. 26: 205-39
Li W, Matin E, Matin L. (2013) Short-lived effects of a visual inducer during egocentric space perception and manual behavior. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 75: 1012-26
Matin E, Li W, Matin L. (2012) Effects of visual induction on egocentric perception and manual behavior are short-lived Journal of Vision. 12: 425-425
Li W, Hudson TE, Matin L. (2011) Is the midline dependence of Binocular Depth Contrast based on the retinal midline or the head-and-body midline? Journal of Vision. 11: 330-330
Matin L, Li W, Matin E. (2010) Actions do not escape the influence of visual illusions -- even when manual behavior is accurate Journal of Vision. 9: 843-843
Shavit A, Li W, Matin L. (2010) Common processing for two perceptual tasks in different spatial dimensions in response to identical visual stimuli Journal of Vision. 9: 78-78
Shavit A, Li W, Matin L. (2010) The influences of array orientation and of line orientation on visually perceived eye level (VPEL) are modulated by line length and array length Journal of Vision. 8: 457-457
Li W, Matin L. (2010) The elevation of Visually Perceived Eye Level (VPEL) is an oscillatory function of visual pitch Journal of Vision. 7: 200-200
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