David I. Shore
Affiliations: | Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour | McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada |
Multisensory Perception, Attention, eye tracking, eegWebsite:
"david i shore"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorStephen P. Tipper | research assistant | 1990-1991 | McMaster University | |
(Honour's Thesis) | ||||
James T. Enns | grad student | McMaster University | ||
Vince Di Lollo | grad student | 1993-1997 | UBC (Neurotree) | |
(co-supervised with Jim enns) | ||||
Raymond M. Klein | post-doc | 1997-1999 | Dalhousie Univ. (Neurotree) | |
Terence Picton | post-doc | 1999-2000 | Rotman Research Institute, University of Toronto (Neurotree) | |
(Too short a time.) |
Sign in to add traineeGrace I. Iarocci | grad student | McMaster University (Neurotree) | |
Lisa M. Lorentz | grad student | McMaster University (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorGemma A. Calvert | collaborator | McMaster University (Neurotree) | |
Jacob A. Burack | collaborator | 1991- | McGill |
Charles Spence | collaborator | 1997- | Oxford (Neurotree) |
Patricia A. McMullen | collaborator | 1997-2000 | Dalhousie University (Neurotree) |
Michael Barnett-Cowan | collaborator | 2007-2009 | McMaster University |
BETA: Related publications
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Lorentz L, Unwalla K, Shore DI. (2021) Imagine Your Crossed Hands as Uncrossed: Visual Imagery Impacts the Crossed-Hands Deficit. Multisensory Research. 1-29 |
Unwalla K, Cadieux ML, Shore DI. (2021) Haptic awareness changes when lying down. Scientific Reports. 11: 13479 |
Unwalla K, Kearney H, Shore DI. (2020) Reliability of the Crossed-Hands Deficit in Tactile Temporal Order Judgements. Multisensory Research. 34: 387-421 |
Chen YC, Lewis TL, Shore DI, et al. (2018) Developmental changes in the perception of visuotactile simultaneity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 173: 304-317 |
Imbault C, Shore D, Kuperman V. (2018) Reliability of the sliding scale for collecting affective responses to words. Behavior Research Methods |
Chen YC, Maurer D, Lewis TL, et al. (2017) Central-peripheral differences in audiovisual and visuotactile event perception. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
MacLellan E, Shore DI, Milliken B. (2017) Perceptual similarity induces overinvestment in an attentional blink task. Psychological Research |
Chen YC, Lewis TL, Shore DI, et al. (2017) Early Binocular Input Is Critical for Development of Audiovisual but Not Visuotactile Simultaneity Perception. Current Biology : Cb |
Chen YC, Shore DI, Lewis TL, et al. (2016) The development of the perception of audiovisual simultaneity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 146: 17-33 |
LaPointe MR, Cullen R, Baltaretu B, et al. (2016) An Attentional Bias for LEGO® People Using a Change Detection Task: Are LEGO® People Animate? Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale |