Leon Festinger

New School for Social Research, New York, NY, United States 
"Leon Festinger"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Max Hertzman research assistant 1939 CCNY
Kenneth W. Spence grad student University of Iowa
Kurt Lewin grad student 1942 University of Iowa


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Ladd Wheeler research assistant 1957-1958
Daryl J. Bem grad student Stanford
Dana Bramel grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
Jack W. Brehm grad student New School for Social Research
Stanley Coren grad student Stanford
Harold Gerard grad student University of Michigan
Karl Hakmiller grad student (Neurotree)
Elaine Hatfield grad student Stanford Univiersity (Neurotree)
Joel M. Miller grad student Smith Kettlewell (Neurotree)
Judson Ridgway Mills grad student University of Missouri, Columbia
Jane A. Piliavin grad student
Bert Raven grad student University of Michigan
Albert Davison Pepitone grad student 1949 University of Michigan (EduTree)
Stanley Schachter grad student 1950 University of Michigan
Robert D. Singer grad student 1956 Penn (Neurotree)
Elliot Aronson grad student 1959 Stanford
Charles A. Kiesler grad student 1963 Stanford
Ted L. Rosenthal grad student 1976 New School for Social Research (Neurotree)
William James McGuire post-doc UMN
Harold Kelley post-doc 1948- University of Michigan
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Aronson E, Festinger L. (1997) Back to the Future: Retrospective Review of Leon Festinger's "A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance" The American Journal of Psychology. 110: 127
Miller J, Festinger L. (1977) Impact of oculomotor retraining on the visual perception of curvature. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 3: 187-200
Festinger L, Coren S, Rivers G. (1970) The effect of attention on brightness contrast and assimilation. The American Journal of Psychology. 83: 189-207
Hardyck JA, Festinger L, Riecken HW, et al. (1965) When Prophecy Fails Review of Religious Research. 6: 117
Schachter S, Festinger L, Willerman B, et al. (1961) Emotional disruption and industrial productivity Journal of Applied Psychology. 45: 201-213
FESTINGER L, CARLSMITH JM. (1959) Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 58: 203-10
Killian LM, Festinger L, Riecken HW, et al. (1957) When Prophecy Fails. American Sociological Review. 22: 236
Festinger L, Gerard HB, Hymovitch B, et al. (1952) The Influence Process in the Presence of Extreme Deviates Human Relations. 5: 327-346
FESTINGER L, THIBAUT J. (1951) Interpersonal communication in small groups. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 46: 92-9
Back K, Festinger L, Hymovitch B, et al. (1950) Briefer Studies and Annotations Human Relations. 3: 307-312
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