Jelena Ristic, PhD

Psychology McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Cognitive Neuroscience: Attention
"Jelena Ristic"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Alan F. Kingstone grad student UBC (Neurotree)
Barry Giesbrecht post-doc 2007-2009 UC Santa Barbara


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Claudia Damiano grad student McGill (Neurotree)
Dana A. Hayward grad student 2010-2015 McGill (Neurotree)
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Ristic J. (2024) Glimpses into the social mind: Decoding messages from faces and eyes. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale. 78: 145-154
Ristic J, Capozzi F. (2023) The role of visual and auditory information in social event segmentation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218231176471
Pereira EJ, Birmingham E, Ristic J. (2022) Social attention as a general mechanism? Demonstrating the influence of stimulus content factors on social attentional biasing. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 48: 289-311
Pereira EJ, Birmingham E, Ristic J. (2022) Infrequent faces bias social attention differently in manual and oculomotor measures. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Capozzi F, Bayliss AP, Ristic J. (2021) EXPRESS: Standing out from the crowd: Both cue numerosity and social information affect attention in multi-agent contexts. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218211013028
Capozzi F, Wahn B, Ristic J, et al. (2020) Prior attentional bias is modulated by social gaze. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Pereira EJ, Gurguryan L, Ristic J. (2020) Trait-Level Variability in Attention Modulates Mind Wandering and Academic Achievement. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 909
Capozzi F, Ristic J. (2020) Attention AND mentalizing? Reframing a debate on social orienting of attention Visual Cognition. 28: 97-105
Pereira EJ, Birmingham E, Ristic J. (2019) Contextually-Based Social Attention Diverges across Covert and Overt Measures. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 3
Blair CD, Ristic J. (2019) Attention Combines Similarly in Covert and Overt Conditions. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 3
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