Elizabeth S. Spelke

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Development of Numerical Cognition
"Elizabeth Spelke"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Jerome Kagan research assistant Harvard (Neurotree)
Ulric Neisser grad student Cornell (Neurotree)
Eleanor J. Gibson grad student 1973-1977 Cornell


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Vivian Ciaramitaro research assistant Cornell (Neurotree)
Curren Katz research assistant Harvard (Neurotree)
Gary Scott Katz research assistant 1987-1989 Cornell
Maria Elena Barth research assistant 2003-2006 Department of Psychology - Harvard University
Heather L Kosakowski research assistant 2014-2015 Harvard (Neurotree)
Moira R. Dillon grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Alia Martin grad student
Samuel A Mehr grad student (Neurotree)
Kristin Shutts grad student UW Madison
Gretchen Van de Walle grad student Cornell (Neurotree)
Ranxiao Frances Wang grad student MIT (Neurotree)
Veronique Izard grad student 2005- Harvard (Neurotree)
Adena M. Schachner grad student 2007- Harvard (Neurotree)
Shari Liu grad student 2014- Harvard (Neurotree)
Brandon M. Woo grad student 2018- (Neurotree)
Philip J. Kellman grad student 1977-1980 Penn (Neurotree)
Jennifer Suzanne Lipton grad student 2005 Harvard (Neurotree)
Kristen Beth Shutts grad student 2006 Harvard (Neurotree)
Miles Morgan Shuman grad student 2007 Harvard (Neurotree)
Anna Shusterman grad student 2001-2007 Harvard (Neurotree)
Katherine D. Kinzler grad student 2008 Harvard
Kristen A. La Mont grad student 2008 Harvard (Neurotree)
Jonathan Sage Beier grad student 2003-2008 Harvard (Neurotree)
Sang Ah Lee grad student 2009 Harvard (Neurotree)
Nathan Winkler-Rhoades grad student 2011 Harvard (Neurotree)
Daniel C. Hyde grad student 2005-2011 Harvard (Neurotree)
Lindsey J. Powell grad student 2012 Harvard (Neurotree)
Gaye Soley grad student 2012 Harvard (Neurotree)
Talee Ziv grad student 2012 Harvard (Neurotree)
Larisa A. Heiphetz grad student 2013 Harvard (Neurotree)
Kathryn Virginia Hobbs grad student 2014 Harvard (Neurotree)
Renee Baillargeon post-doc Harvard (Neurotree)
Hilary Barth post-doc Harvard (Neurotree)
Lori Markson post-doc Department of Psychology - Harvard University (Neurotree)
Ashley J Thomas post-doc 2018- Harvard (Neurotree)
Amanda L. Woodward post-doc 1992-1993 Cornell (Neurotree)
Yuko Munakata post-doc 1996-1997 MIT (Neurotree)
Susan J. Hespos post-doc 1998-2001 MIT
Tomer Ullman post-doc 2015-2018 (Neurotree)
Marie Amalric post-doc 2020-2022 Harvard (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Woo BM, Liu S, Gweon H, et al. (2024) Toddlers Prefer Agents Who Help Those Facing Harder Tasks. Open Mind : Discoveries in Cognitive Science. 8: 483-499
Kudrnova V, Spelke ES, Thomas AJ. (2024) Infants Infer Social Relationships Between Individuals Who Engage in Imitative Social Interactions. Open Mind : Discoveries in Cognitive Science. 8: 202-216
Woo BM, Chisholm GH, Spelke ES. (2024) Do toddlers reason about other people's experiences of objects? A limit to early mental state reasoning. Cognition. 246: 105760
Woo BM, Liu S, Spelke ES. (2023) Infants rationally infer the goals of other people's reaches in the absence of first-person experience with reaching actions. Developmental Science. e13453
Woo BM, Spelke ES. (2023) Infants and toddlers leverage their understanding of action goals to evaluate agents who help others. Child Development
Liu S, Pepe B, Ganesh Kumar M, et al. (2022) Dangerous Ground: One-Year-Old Infants are Sensitive to Peril in Other Agents' Action Plans. Open Mind : Discoveries in Cognitive Science. 6: 211-231
Woo BM, Spelke ES. (2022) Toddlers' social evaluations of agents who act on false beliefs. Developmental Science. e13314
Thomas AJ, Saxe R, Spelke ES. (2022) Infants infer potential social partners by observing the interactions of their parent with unknown others. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2121390119
Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES. (2022) Visual foundations of Euclidean geometry. Cognitive Psychology. 136: 101494
Gjata NN, Ullman TD, Spelke ES, et al. (2022) What Could Go Wrong: Adults and Children Calibrate Predictions and Explanations of Others' Actions Based on Relative Reward and Danger. Cognitive Science. 46: e13163
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