Peter Ulric Tse, PhD
Affiliations: | Psychological and Brain Sciences | Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States |
Vision, Attention, NCC, Form, Motion, fMRI, DTIWebsite:
"Peter Tse"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorPatrick Cavanagh | grad student | 1992-1998 | Harvard (Neurotree) |
Ken Nakayama | grad student | 1992-1998 | Harvard (Neurotree) |
Nikos K. Logothetis | post-doc | 1999-2001 | MPI Tuebingen (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add traineePrescott Alexander | research assistant | Dartmouth | |
Katie Porter | research assistant | 2008-2011 | Dartmouth |
Nick Root | research assistant | 2010-2011 | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Sebastian Frank | grad student | Dartmouth | |
Marvin Maechler | grad student | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
LiWei Sun | grad student | Dartmouth | |
Alexander Schlegel | grad student | 2010- | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Kevin Hartstein | grad student | 2014- | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Kirsten Ziman | grad student | 2017- | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Mert Özkan | grad student | 2018- | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Sharif Saleki | grad student | 2018- | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Eunhye Choe | grad student | 2022- | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Wentao "Taylor" Si | grad student | 2024- | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Gideon Paul Caplovitz | grad student | 2003-2008 | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Po-Jang (Brown) Hsieh | grad student | 2003-2008 | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Seth M. Levine | grad student | 2010-2012 | University of Trento (Neurotree) |
Sergey Victor Fogelson | grad student | 2008-2013 | Dartmouth |
Peter Jes Kohler | grad student | 2008-2013 | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Eric A. Reavis | grad student | 2009-2014 | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorThalia P. Wheatley | collaborator | ||
James Matthew Intriligator | collaborator | 1994-1998 | Harvard (Neurotree) |
BETA: Related publications
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Liu S, Yu Q, Tse PU, et al. (2024) Neural Correlates of the Conscious Perception of Visual Location Lie Outside Visual Cortex. Current Biology : Cb |
Frank SM, Maechler MR, Fogelson SV, et al. (2023) Hierarchical categorization learning is associated with representational changes in the dorsal striatum and posterior frontal and parietal cortex. Human Brain Mapping |
Cavanagh P, Caplovitz GP, Lytchenko TK, et al. (2023) The Architecture of Object-Based Attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Harris C, Finn KR, Kieseler ML, et al. (2023) DeepAction: a MATLAB toolbox for automated classification of animal behavior in video. Scientific Reports. 13: 2688 |
Saleki S, Ziman K, Hartstein KC, et al. (2022) Endogenous attention biases transformational apparent motion based on high-level shape representations. Journal of Vision. 22: 16 |
Frank SM, Otto A, Volberg G, et al. (2022) Transfer of tactile learning from trained to untrained body parts supported by cortical coactivation in primary somatosensory cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Maechler MR, Heller NH, Lisi M, et al. (2021) Smooth pursuit operates over perceived not physical positions of the double-drift stimulus. Journal of Vision. 21: 6 |
Heller NH, Patel N, Faustin VM, et al. (2021) Effects of internal and external velocity on the perceived direction of the double-drift illusion. Journal of Vision. 21: 2 |
Saleki S, Cavanagh P, Tse PU. (2021) A position anchor sinks the double-drift illusion. Journal of Vision. 21: 3 |
Sun L, Frank SM, Epstein RA, et al. (2021) The Parahippocampal Place Area and Hippocampus Encode the Spatial Significance of Landmark Objects. Neuroimage. 118081 |