Lee Ross
Affiliations: | Psychology | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Social psychologyGoogle:
"Lee Ross"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add traineeTeresa Amabile | grad student | Stanford (Neurotree) | |
Susan Andersen | grad student | Stanford | |
Christopher Bryan | grad student | Stanford | |
David Dunning | grad student | Stanford | |
Thomas Gilovich | grad student | Stanford (Neurotree) | |
Dale W Griffin | grad student | ||
Dacher Keltner | grad student | Stanford | |
Charles G. Lord | grad student | Stanford | |
Sonja Lyubomirsky | grad student | Stanford | |
David Sherman | grad student | Stanford | |
Andrew Ward | grad student | Stanford | |
Jared R. Curhan | grad student | 2001 | Stanford |
David R. Fetherstonhaugh | grad student | 2001 | Stanford |
Emily B. Pronin | grad student | 2001 | Stanford |
Carolyn T. Puccio | grad student | 2003 | Stanford |
Aaron C. Kay | grad student | 2005 | Stanford |
Natalia Mislavskaya | grad student | 2006 | Stanford |
Sean D. Young | grad student | 2002-2008 | Stanford |
Julia A. Minson | grad student | 2009 | Stanford |
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Ross L. (2018) From the Fundamental Attribution Error to the Truly Fundamental Attribution Error and Beyond: My Research Journey. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691618769855 |
Gilovich T, Ross L. (2017) Perspectives on Choice American Journal of Psychology. 130: 228 |
Kahn DT, Liberman V, Halperin E, et al. (2016) Intergroup Sentiments, Political Identity, and Their Influence on Responses to Potentially Ameliorative Proposals in the Context of an Intractable Conflict Journal of Conflict Resolution. 60: 61-88 |
Ross L. (2015) What kinds of conservatives does social psychology lack, and why? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 38: e156 |
Scheibe S, Notthoff N, Menkin J, et al. (2014) Forewarning reduces fraud susceptibility in vulnerable consumers. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 36: 272-279 |
Walton GD, Ross LE, Stewart DE, et al. (2014) Decisional conflict among women considering antidepressant medication use in pregnancy. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 17: 493-501 |
Smedslund J, Ross L. (2014) Research-based knowledge in psychology: what, if anything, is its incremental value to the practitioner? Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science. 48: 365-83 |
Yoon HJ, Hossain MS, Held M, et al. (2014) Lotus japonicus SUNERGOS1 encodes a predicted subunit A of a DNA topoisomerase VI that is required for nodule differentiation and accommodation of rhizobial infection. The Plant Journal : For Cell and Molecular Biology. 78: 811-21 |
Ross L. (2014) Barriers to agreement in the asymmetric Israeli–Palestinian conflict1 Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict. 7: 120-136 |
Ross L, Kavanagh D. (2013) David L. Rosenhan (1929-2012). The American Psychologist. 68: 469 |